Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Elize looked down at her hands while she was sitting on her bed. She just gotten out of the shower and remained in her towel after a few minutes. She looked up and glanced around the room. Then at the bed she was sitting. She was home.

She hadn't been there in a week and someway, somehow, it looked all different for her. Nicki was somewhere and she was here, sulking, thinking about all that's happened in last week.

It was too surreal that she had left her family. Elize couldn't fathom her doing that and yet, she did. For one week. She groaned as she gave herself a face palm. What would have happened if it wasn't a week? What if it was a month? What if they just postponed the wedding?

"Fuck," she swore.


Everyone had just come out of the police, still tense by everything that was said in the room. Sharlene nodded at Elize and left. Evelyn saw them coming out. She opened the car door and looked at them and smiled, seeing the couple holding hands.

"Welcome back," they all came to her. Elize smirked and kissed their hands.

"I never should have left," she swallowed, looking at her fiancée. Nicki could tell the guilt was settling in and that she was going to be ashamed for a couple of days. How they were getting back to normal, she didn't know, but they were. Soon.

"Well..." She said, "I think we should all go home, and relax on this beautiful Friday. You can come to house around the afternoon tomorrow...better yet. Dinner!" She nodded excitedly. There was this awkwardness. Everyone remained quiet. She glanced at all of them.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun! We can get back to normal!" They were still quiet. Then she pulled Elize to her and kissed her. She came apart and smiled in her face. Elize gave sad smirk.

"See we're together. Stop sulking," she grinned, but it dimmed. No one said anything.

"It's not that simple Dominique," Evelyn started, "he almost ruined your family, our family. This family you two created, bringing all of us together. He almost succeeded,"

"But he didn't," she urged, tears swelling up her tears. Evelyn smiled sadly. Nicki wiped the tears with her right hand.

"He almost did," Evelyn's voice broke. silence.

"Karma can you...can you and Evelyn drive Nicki's car to the house? We'll drive in mine and Theresa--"

"I know. I'll drive off first," she smiled. She got in as Evelyn came out and handed the twins to their mothers. She closed the door. Elize held out Nicki's keys and Karma snatched them.

Karma gladly accepted the keys and pulled Lynnie to the Mercedes. Elize and Dominique carried the girls to her car and strapped them in. Karma drove pass, honking the horn. Elize exhaled, chuckling at her. She looked over at Nicki getting in the passenger seat. Elize settled in the driver's seat. She turned to Nicki and grab a hold of her hand. Nicki looked down and smiled. She tightened her hand, but didn't look at her. Elize breathed and the journey home they went.

It was absolute quiet in their car. The twins still slept even after being picked up and carried around. Nicki breathed and held her left hand in her other and leaned against the window. Somehow their hands came apart. Elize gasped softly at the lost of warmth, but dealt with it. Shortly it started to drizzle. They had to get home fast.

She rounded the corner and saw the cars parked in front of the house. When they pulled up, they all came out even if it was drizzling.

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