Chapter 47

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Sharlene paced in her house waiting for them to arrive. She looked at her door every few minutes, wondering and anticipating when they would reach.

She set up her dining room table to an immaculate design. She brought out her China for them. Of course it had to be perfect.  She was the ex girl-friend of the psychopath who tried to kill her client's fiancée. Also her job could be on the line here. Who was she kidding, of course it was in the line.

She heard the door bell. She gasped looking at the time. They were early. She still needed time to prepare, she needed to go over everything a few more times. She should just wait a few moments. No. She needed to do this.

She ironed over her clothes with her palms and smoothed her hair. She looked at everything once again.

She took deep slow breaths as she walked to the her front door. She inhaled and opened it. Elize stood there with Anna-Leah in her arm and the other arm wrapped around Nicki's waist and also with a grim look on her face. While Nicki, who was holding Anna-M, wore a warm smile. She greeted her for them. Sharlene smiled and looked towards Elize who just nodded.

"Come in, I have a room for the twins just around the corner,"

"We'll be keeping them in our arms. We don't plan on staying long," Sharlene's face fell and she looked over at the dinner table.

"What she means is that we would love a room," Nicki shot her a "what's-the-matter-with-you" face and they followed Sharlene to a pretty teal guest room. They laid the children in the soft bed and Nicki sat on it to make sure they were comfortable enough.

She pushed back both of her daughter's wild curls. Oh her lovely little girls. Then she sensed the others staring at her. She looked down and smiled then looked at them.

"I can feel the holes just..." She laughed, getting up, "Sharlene, I'm fine,"

"Darling...I'm fine," she reassured her, cupping her face. Elize still looked unsure, glancing at her abdomen and nodded. Nicki led them out front and Sharlene guided them to the table.

"I invited you at a rather awkward time, I'm sorry, but I needed to talk with you," the sat at the dinner table with breakfast items laid across it. Mini-pancakes? Strips of bacon, eggs, French toast, waffles and others were present. Elize looked between all of them and cleared her throat.

"We can choose whatever?" she asked nonchalantly. Nicki smiled to herself and looked at her fiancée.

"It's for us, sweetheart," Elize looked towards Sharlene who nodded and she dug in.

"Elize I wanted to talk about--"

"If you say that motherfucker's name, I'll lose my appetite and my fiancée and I with our children will leave," Nicki threw the fork down and sighed, looking at Elize in disbelief. Sharlene closed her mouth, but licked her lips.

"I haven't said his name since the police station. Since then I have had no contact and I wish to have none," Elize snorted and pushed her food around. She didn't even know why Nicki agreed to meet her, again.

"I'm pretty sure he called and you tried to track him, but he hung up just in time before you could get a location,"

"How could you think that I would even speak to him after what's happened! Elize...hear me out, I'm sorry that all of this happened! If I could go back in time, I would,"

"You want to know what's funny? It's not me you have to apologize to. It's this woman that you accused of lying, it's this woman whose wrist he sprained, it's this woman that he attacked physically...sexually and stabbed. This is the woman, right here, is the one that you should be apologizing to,"

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