Chapter 31

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She lifted her head and peeked through her folded arms on the desk. She peered out with one eye open. Salt and Pepper. Wrinkles. Suit. John. She sighed and got up from her sleeping position in the tight office space. She stretched and smiled at him.

He held two cups in his hands.

"I saw you and I thought....someone didn't get any sleep last night. So I went out and got you something. I hope you like cappuccinos ?" he asked sliding the cup to her on her desk. She smiled and opened the lid.

"You are a charmer Mister," she chuckled, yawning. She covered her mouth and folded her arms again

"Well sleeping on the job is frowned upon on," He joked leaning on the wall of her small office space.

"You going to run and tell on me to Sharlene?" She teased, taking a sip of the drink. She winced.

"It needs more sugar," she got up, grabbing the cup.

"I already have 4 teaspoons in there!" he looked at her shocked. She gave him an annoyed face, but smiled.

"And I'm black. We like things sweet and sugary. Have you ever tried kool-aid?"

"Yes I have," she shook her head.

"You've never had kool-aid made by a black person," she raised the cup and left going to the staff room.

He smiled as she walked away, but then he turned to her office and scanned around for any personal things. After some looking, he came up empty. Nothing. He sighed, drinking his coffee and as he was about to walk away, he saw a picture of Elize hugging the twins on a key chain on her briefcase. He wanted to get closer, but unable to when Elize came back.

"That's so better," She sighed happily drinking her cap.

"You have children?" He said aloud, biting his tongue. He knew she knew he was looking at the picture. She smiled and put down her drink then getting her briefcase.

"My, I never pegged you for a snooper..." she arched her eye brow and gazed upon the picture she recently took with the girls. A candid that Dominique took. She gazed upon him with an intense stare, but also smiling. He gulped, somewhat afraid. The winged eyeliner didn't help either as it made Elize looked more sinister. She learnt this from Dominique, the look, not the winged eyeliner. A tactic to make people respect you and also a little fear you. Elize knew John was a nice person, but she wouldn't let anyone near her family, even if they were the boyfriend of her lawyer. No Way. She wasn't that clumsy anymore. She wanted anyone foreign close.

"Yes I do. I have twin girls Anna-Maria and Anna-Leah," She showed him the picture with her permission. She added, "They are such a handful. I feel like I'm walking miles everyday trying to catch them. Either to put on clothes or bathe them or clearing out their hair. I mean I can't even take care of my hair. My fiancee does that though, the hair clearing, but I have to catch them in order to do their hair,"

"So you're married?"

"Not quite...uh,"

"I'm prying, I'm sorry,"

"No, no, it's just complicated for...people to understand. I don't talk about it," she lowered her briefcase and sipped more of her drink. He nodded, trying to understand what she just said.

"Well your children are beautiful," he smiled, raising his cup, finishing his and throwing it in her bin. She watched him closely as he did. There was something about him that She had to get rid of him. He came back up, wanting to know more, but she beat him to it,

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