Chapter 3

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"Okay," She checked the monitor, "You will be sitting in seat 12 c, aisle," The flight attendant told her. Dominique muttered a curse under her breath.

"Thank you," She walked off passing a fat couple who were looking at their tickets.

"Honey I don't need my goddamn glasses, now wait, we're A and B in..." He trailed off. Dominique stopped and looked at them.

"You fat asses better not be in--" she muttered to herself.

"14!" He said. She blew a breath and walked off again to go get a cup of coffee.

Elize was walking with her carry-on when she saw the woman, Dominique, walking in a Starbucks. She was mesmerized at how she looked.

   Her hair was in a messy bun. She was wearing a leather skater skirt with a fitted white Tee. And she wore black flats and had a matching jacket to her skirt.

"Opps!" She bent down to grabbed packets of sugar. Elize leaned her head to get a look under. She was wearing those stockings which you need to hook to an undergarment. Nicki straighten up as if she felt someone watching her. She turned to the same direction where Elize was, but Elize was faster though. She ducked behind a counter and waited a few minutes.

"Excuse me can I help you?" A nerdy looking boy came up to her. She looked up at him.

"Um.... yeah, I would like to buy these 3 books!"  She grabbed the series Fifty shades of grey. She eavesdropped on Sharlene talking about. It was basically explicit porno in a book made for women, who needed to have a sigh once in awhile.
She also got a pack of gum for the plane ride.

"Aren't you too young to read this?"

"I'm old enough to do a lot of stuff," She took out a $100 dollar bill and flashed a fake smile. The store clerk had to be under 25, with no sexually experience, except maybe hooking up with a girl who later on turned out to be his cousin.

"Can you just cash my things please?" He rolled his eyes and rang them up at the counter. She looked over. Dominique was gone and she blew a breath. He gave her her change and her books and gum, but before actually giving it her, he had one thing to say.

"Please don't get sucked in," He smiled, a cute smile she didn't know he had. Elize blushed and nodded.

"I won't get suck in," She smiled, finally taking it.

    Later on, going to her gate, she saw Dominique sitting down with a Victoria Secret's catalog in her hands.

    'More Lingerie,' she thought sitting far away from her. She noticed something. She was sat her gate... waiting.

'WAIT! Don't tell me she's going there to? What the hell?' She ducked behind some people and sat over at the next gate. How was she going to get past her? Maybe she should sit so close that when they call her, she would just hurry and go. Yeah, she was going to do that.

"All boarding to Flight 319 to Nassau, Bahamas," The stewardess called in the phone.

"First class may now board." Elize rolled her eyes and got up quickly, remembering her plan.

   The perks of flying: getting call first. The pet peeves: everyone staring at you. She even had to dye her hair so no one would know it was her. The less people knew, the better. Then Dominique looked up. She did a double take and glared at Elize.

'I know.... her' She thought.

By the time Dominique got on, almost all the front rows were filled up. She stopped and noticed the same girl on her tiptoes,reaching to push her bag in. An old man got up and helped her.

"Thanks," she smiled, but she took the hospitality to kindly as the man tried to cupped her ass. Dominique rushed to him.

"If you cup her ass, so help me I have a nail file in my bag and I will castrate you one ball at a time." She spoke louder. Elize turned around and saw Dominique in front of her.

They were pressed up together, looking each other in the eyes. She then realized it was... Elize. Elize breathed in her scent and was moist in seconds. She never really felt like this before. Dominique swallowed her words.

The engine went off and soon the power. People groaned, but this was the perfect opportunity to kiss her. Dominique felt Elize'"s lips against hers. They were smooth and soft and shaped perfect to hers. Dominique deepened it by letting her have her first french kiss.

It only lasted for a few seconds, because then the power game back on, but Elize was gone. Dominique's lipstick was messed up, feelings enraged and a pool settling between her legs.

"Oh no!" She breathed.

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