Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Elize took a deep breath when she came out of her car and looked up at the store. She paced her breathing and swallowed. She locked her car and went to the door, pushing it open and a bell chiming sounded afterwards.

Women in black looked over at who just entered their store and saw it was her. All of their faces lit up in delight.

Two came over, well bounced over to her. The two young newbies who had taken her last year. They were just a few years older than her, but it was like friends helping friends. They were so happy to take on a young bride.

"Elize you're back!"

"Has it been a month already!"

"I hope you haven't gain weight!"

"Omg that would so bad,"

"I can't believe the wedding is in two months and two weeks!" She chuckled at them, she was used to this every month. Her smile dimmed a bit, but not letting them notice.

"People have been admiring your dress so much!" They sat her down on a plush pink chair.

"They asked if there was another like it in the back!"

"Of course there isn't, cause yours is hand-made and more than one of a kind. Just like Nicki!"

"She's h--" one hurried and pinched the other, looking at her menacingly. She looked down and went to go get the dress. She came back with it and they led her to a huge changing stall near them. All of the store clerks gathered around after she she went it.

She took off all of her clothing and changed into the dress. It felt bigger.
Goddamnit! It was loose on her.

She swore she had the same diet as last month. She groaned in frustration.

"How is it Darling?" One of the older women asked.

"It's too big!" She looked over it. The women looked at each other. The sides that was suppose to be right on her curves, were loose. She turned around to find any other problems. She shook her head, going to take it off.

"You lost weight too?" The whisper floated towards her.

Elize stopped breathing when she heard the voice. She braced herself on the wall. Tears were already in her eyes just waiting to follow out. Boom. Then they streamed down her face, leaving the stains behind.

"It's been...rough. I guess we weren't eating. My dress looks like it's swallowing me up," she joked. Nicki wiped her own tears as she kept talking.

"Honestly I love this dress, but I don't think I should alter it to me cause then it loses its design, but then I don't want to gain weight to fit it. And it's funny cause I could make decisions on stupid dresses, but I can't open my damn mouth and answer your question on whether I still want to marry you," Elize pulled her curtain with both hands, looking at the women, sitting down and smiling at her. Some were even crying. They all pointed to the stall two doors down.

She looked over and followed where they pointed. Nicki hitched her breath when she was coming. Elize pulled open her curtain and stared at her. Nicki was hugging herself, crying.

"Hey!" Her voice broke, but she smiled. New tears fell as she finally seen what Elize looked like in her wedding dress after a year. She looked breathtakingly beautiful.

"We're not suppose to see each other till--"

"I don't care," Elize pulled her by her waist, bringing her forward and kissing her. Nicki felt her lips once again and melted against her. She wrapped her arms around her neck. Then Nicki released her arms and put them down to her sides, she bent her head.

"We're not suppose to see each other till the wedding," she muttered.

"Oh fuck not seeing each other. I want for see you for the rest of my life," she moved her hands from her waist to raise her head and cup her face. She peppered kisses all over Nicki's face. She shuddered.

"You remembered?" She whispered. Elize laughed.

"Of course I remembered! The end of every month we come here to try on the dresses. Every month. Just because what was going on doesn't mean I break this promise which has been going on for a year. I'm sorry Dominique. I was cold and selfish and I said hurtful things. Things that I never should have said," her voice broke. Nicki laid her hands on her hips.

"I gave you the ring when I shouldn't have been even thinking that thought. I gave you the ring! I'm so so sorry. I left my family, my children! The love of my life because of my stubbornness. May you forgive me?" They looked each other in the eyes.

"Oh my beautiful princess....I am so so sorry for the way I acted. I drove you away when I should have included you. I made you feel small. I made you feel unimportant. But You mean so much to me. I'll always forgive you cause I can't live without you. I mean, look at all the weight we dropped and it's only been a week!" She laughed. Elize chuckled but then went silent.

"Do you still want to marry me?" Elize whispered, voice breaking. Nicki tilted her head, wiping the tears off Elize's face.

"Of course I do," and Elize left her for brief moment and came back with her ring. Nicki took it, smiled and got on her knee. In her wedding dress. The women cooed and awwed. A flash went off, but Nicki and Elize didn't see or hear for they were so transfixed on each other.

"Elize Marie-Anne Jacobs, will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with my hormonal self? Will you love me even when I fall and make these stupid mistakes? May you please never give up on me because of right now, I will never give on you nor will I ever stop loving you for as long as I live. Will you marry me?" She breathed.
Elize smiled, covering her mouth and nodding.

"Yes," everyone in the store applauded them and Nicki slipped the ring back on her finger. She then got up and kissed her fiancée.

"I love you," They breathed together thorough their kisses. Nicki moved her hands throughout her hair, caressing it. Elize moaned, moving her along with her touches.

"I love you," they said in sync once again, smiling against each other's lips afterwards.

Mhmm. Can you say 'finally'? !!!! I know this is a short chapter but seriously. This needed to have its own chapter. I'll be back and the chapters will be longer. I very much promise!

xxx, Kynnedi

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