Chapter 4

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Elize pulled on the collar of her uniform and looked down at it. Plaid. She stood outside the gate not wanting to come in. Her black stylish blazer made her standout from the other children and she hated it. She sighed walking in the gate before someone told her so and before she had to end up in court again.

She walked around looking at the many students talking with each other, gossiping with each other. She had to be the new girl. Many looked at her as she walked. Her curly hair was by her shoulders with highlights and she had a black Kipling bag with rhinestones around it. She remembered when Tony bought it for her.

"Money has no price tag," he gushed. She later saw the price tag. $300 just for a bag. She heard the bell and everyone started walking to an auditorium. She agreed to just follow the crowd...this time.

  When she got in, a smell smacked her hard in the face. It already smelt like someone had not put on deodorant. She pinched her nose and ducked around to go where all the teachers stood. That's where she found two girls standing.

"Can't stand the smell?" One smiled. Elize smiled, nodding.

"Already on the first day!" she exclaimed. They nodded. One held out her hand.

"I'm Evelyn," Elize took it and shook.

"I'm Karma," The other said. She looked around.

"So is this where you two are always at?" She asked, motioning to the teachers.

"These people have proper hygiene," Karma stated. "Well at least some," She motioned to a guy, who was talking to a female teacher who was his same height. He was blocking her. She rolled her eyes at him and walked to another teacher."He's hot, but the smell is not,"

"Anyway, I'm going to go---" She turned and clashed in to a student. The girls caught her while the other fell. People looked. Karma and Evelyn muttered in unison, "Shit,"

"I'm sorry," She said, putting her hand out so she could get up. The other looked at her and grimaced.

"I'm fine," She spat, getting up and walking away. Elize turned around to them.

"What?" She asked confused.

"That was Misty, and you're on her hit list now," Oh crap, she hadn't even been to school for one day and she was already on enemy to someone.


Already a half a dozen girls wanted to fight her. She couldn't believe her luck. You think that when she came to a new country and she was new, everyone would be nice to her. Jokes on her.

   On the other hand, she did make three awesome friends. There was Karma, Evelyn and one other girl named Sarah (with an 'H').

   By lunch they were sitting with their other classmates, playing a game, "Screw who?" She was actually liking this school, because the game, a tiny bit. The only way to find out how fascinating a school is, is to know the dirty secrets that's hidden within the walls of it.

"Mr. Crowne and Ms. Seymour, because they're always flirting on the assembly line," Evelyn gossiped. Karma grinned.

"Well I heard from Carter that before the summer, he fingered her in the back of school." All the girls gasped, but Elize smiled. She heard much worse than that on a daily basis back in the city, but now all of that was gone, so she had to join in with the gasping. Karma now was the one with the juicy details.

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