Chapter 8

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"Well, I'm waiting!" Theresa stared. Dominique stayed quiet.

"I can't deal that you're actually doing this! You're 27 and she's 15!"

"She's grown for a fifteen year-"

"Doesn't fucking matter! She's a minor. She's not the law's age of an adult and if she's not, this," She pointed between Nicki and Elize, "is fucking illegal!" She lectured.

Elize watched as Theresa yelled Dominique, and Dominique looked like a scolded puppy. She listened as well with what Theresa was saying, this was wrong. She got out of the car.

"Plus it's not fair on you. You're a grown woman, who's seeking a life partner, someone to have kids with.... How can she give you that when she's only 15?"

"I can do that," she looked at them. They turned to her with different looks on their face. Dominique with a hopeful, but confused look and Theresa with a grim look.

"You think I don't know love... I know love. You think I can't provide, I can. You think I won't give this woman everything she needs, but you couldn't be more wrong. I would give her..." Elize smiled at Dominique and fluttered her eyes. She took a deep breath and sigh out, "Everything"

"You would?" Dominique moved a little closer to her. Elize turned to her and nodded, but then back to Theresa as she was the one she had to persuade. She already had Dominique's heart and she already had hers. And even in her drunk state, this is what they wanted, she wanted.

"Theresa believe me when I say this... You have absolutely nothing to be worried about with us. I know you think you're right and you probably are, but you can't stop love. And yes, I love this woman. I love you." Dominique sighed, " I--"

"Don't! We have to go now,"


"Get in the car or I'm leaving you, both of you!" She walked to the car, getting in and starting it. Elize clenched her fists and held back her tears. Dominique walked her and grabbed her hand.

"I don't know how but this will work, hopefully--," The horn sounded loudly. They both jumped and walked to the car and got in, Nicki in the front and Elize in the back. Theresa then set onward home.


"Shirt, pants.... Underwear, towels," Dominique gathered all of the items together. They had just reached to her apartment no more than 10 minutes ago. She looked at them and sighed. At the very back of her head, the words that Theresa said to her were slowly creeping to the front.

What if... She sat on the bed, not knowing what to do. Elize said she could provide, but for how long. She was basically ripping her away from her childhood, just to advance because of an illegal relationship! She did want children, actually right now, she was financially stable, a good job, a house and an apartment that she was both paying for at the same time.

She could do this. She could have this. She wanted this. She wanted Elize, cause there's no one else that she ever wanted, needed. She got up to go give her the items of clothing, then she heard her and Theresa conversing in the living room.

"And she died a few days afterwards. The cancer... It spread to her brain and.... And then 1 in the morning she was gone. I never even got to say bye. I mean the doctors said she had a week. One week... More like couple hours. I had to leave quickly. I mean the reporters were going to come soon and I didn't want to be in the heap."

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