Chapter 26

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She parked the car and looked at the place in front of her. She saw the children conversing and she knew once she stepped out of the slick car, they would start talking. And she hated the new rumors that we're going around.

Supposedly she was a prostitute now and she had a pimp buying her expensive things. That was some bullshit she had heard since the rumor about her hacking the gambling houses computer system. How did they come up with these things? But had they not heard of what happened last year? She was in an illegal, now legal, relationship with her teacher. They could just start from that, but now they wanted to think about the wild and stupid possibilities.

She shook her head erasing that thought. She was not encouraging the foolishness, but it did make her laugh a bit. It was kinda fun to see what imaginations they would come up with. Maybe that was a good outcome except for going to the guidance counselor and getting sex taught to her and diseases and all of that other nasty stuff.

She could tell some rumors too. She could completely turn it around for herself to control, not them. She would try...but then on the other hand she had to find things for the twins. They had to come first now.

She took out the keys and got her bag and opened the door. Heads turned sharply to see her step out. She scanned the area noticing every pair of eyes on her. She smiled and at them and waved. She closed it and walked away. She held the keys over her head and pressed the locked button. The car beep and lights flickered.

She reached to the back and sat at a bench by herself. She looked over and saw the girls there. They were staring at the books in their laps which hid their brand new phone Elize just got them. She got up and went over.

"Hi girls," they looked up and rolled their eyes.

"What do you want?" They knew people were watching them. Elize breathed.

"I just came to say hi because we haven't spoken in a little while,"

"We don't associate with pregnant people. Oh btw you're trending on Facebook, see look," Karma held up the phone.

'go in the girls' bathroom,'

"So why don't you move from our table. We don't want to be labelled as pregnant too!" Evelyn's voice broke and she bent her head down. She couldn't do it. Karma's smile was forced. Karma knew if she could see Evelyn was breaking character than the students would for damn sure see as well.

"So go you fucking whale," Karma's eye twitched a bit, but she held her facial expression. Elize could also tell that she was holding her breath. It was hard for both of them. She smiled but frowned quickly.

"Fine!" She left and got her bag following Karma's message. She looked at everyone as she pushed past going up the stairs. She rushed to the 3rd floor bathroom and closed the door. As she got inside her phone rang. She answered.

"Hey," She smiled to herself checking the stalls. Empty as always.

"How were we?" Evelyn stated, putting her phone on the table and hiding it under her book.

"Yeah we both crack, well Evelyn the most--"

"I wanted to apologize so bad,"

"You guys did great! I think some people actually looked sorry for me. Thank you for the acting. I know it isn't easy on you girls, "

"It's not," Evelyn said sadly.

"Anyway forget those fuckers. I want to know how are you?" Karma closed her science book, bringing her hands on the table. Elize breathed.

"I'm horrible, but on the bright side, Dominique is giving me guilty sex for the past couple of days,"

"It's good that one of the outcomes of this is sex! How are the babies? Cute and Squishy?"

"Yes that and they're're going to get to see them soon. And surprising they sleep all day and they're so quiet! I didn't know taking care of babies was actually this easy. With the shit cleaning it isn't so fun, but it kin..." She pondered on the thought a bit, "da is. At least I like it. Knowing that I'm cleaning my little babies is fun,"

"Are you sure you haven't had any babies yet cause you sound like a hormonal mother?"

" you don't see my belly growing because I'm pregnant," she said sarcastically, "I don't think I could actually take anymore of this shit. Like I'm so fend up with it. Actually in the car I was thinking about starting my own rumors, sensible rumors about me. Computer hacking....Pimp?"

"I kinda like the computer hacking. I wish you had some one who does stuff like that with the money," Evelyn nudged her.

"Enough with the money talk, you beyotch,"

"I can't! When she told us, I was like...Holy shit! Is she fucking me right now? Elize you're the richest teenager on the planet,"

"Over-exaggeration is a thing you know?" She heard someone knocking. She acted quickly, getting her bag and hiding in the last stall of the bathroom. She sat her bag on the toilet. She was grateful for this bathroom so much. Like always it was the nicest and the cleanest with new furniture. The person came in and threw their bag on the counter.

"Okay Sarah, get a hold of yourself," she heard. Elize immediately recognized that voice.

"Fucking mom and her whorish ways,"

Sarah. She rolled her eyes but was intrigued about her whorish mom. She wondered if this is what Dominique was talking about.

"She had to go and have fucking HIV and then get pregnant with me!" Sarah took out her bottle of water and pills and took the four. Elize dropped her mouth as well as the girls. Karma mouthed, 'She has HIV!' Evelyn shook her head in disbelief as well.

"Just get through the day with a smile and," she blow a breath looking at her shoulder length hair.

"Fuck that bitch cutting my hair and shit!" She marched out of the bathroom and slammed the door. The girls stayed quiet for a moment before Eyelyn spoke up.

"Okay Elize I want you to calm down, now that you have---"

"No, no, no, no, don't tell her what to do. She has that piece of information. She can do whatever she wants with it. Elize honey, I fully support you in anything you do,"

"Don't listen to her,"

"Evelyn she deserves it. We all know she deserves it," Elize counter-acted. Karma heard her and pumped her fists and started dancing in her seat. Evelyn sighed and Elize came out the stall wondering.

Her mind when back to Nicki. How did she even know about Ms. Mortimor anyway? What secret did she have? It was that. She couldn't believe Sarah was HIV positive. But then it wasn't her fault like she said. And actually Elize felt a little sorry for her but she almost ruined her relationship so the next step was what was going to be the plan to expose the bitch


Nice, short, sweet and villainous. I really don't think Evelyn has a bad bone in her body, but she has a smart mouth. Karma well... We all know that she could even kill someone.... We don't or sorry I said that then. Anyway I really don't want to make HIV a heavy topic in here cause I want it sweet and simple. Remember that !!

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