Chapter 11

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    "Elize, Elize," she heard her name in her sleep. She got up and heard his voice.

"Sir you are not allowed back there,"

"I can do whatever the hell I want!"

Tony. He came past her cell then stopped to it.

"Tony I--" she started.

"My baby, trapped like an animal," he sighed, "I'm going to need some assistance! Don't worry Elize, all of this is going to blow over tomorrow, don't you worry," he took one look at her. The woman police came out of the office.

"Hey whose the woman screaming assistance?" The police looked at her and shrugged.

"Tony listen to me--"

"Oh," a hand laid on his face.

"You're going to need some dry cleaning asap! Hello! I need someone to get this girl out of this cell!" He clapped his hands.

"Don't worry the others are coming tomorrow, but luckily little ol' me was the one to pick up the phone, instead of Jack, cause he would have had your head!" He stopped feeling no one moving. He looked back at the counter.

"I mean... Can I have some assistance!" He walked back out to the front.

"Listen, you're holding my minor in that grimy cell and I would like her out right now,"

"Elize Jacobs,"

"I think that would be the only minor in this station, wouldn't you think so?" The police man grunted and moved to go open the cell.

"Alright, alright, hold your boxers,"

"Actually they're boxer shorts," he justified. The woman police looked at Tony weirdly. He looked at her up and down.

"They're sexier than yours sweetheart,"

Everything about him was shouting that he was the stereotype and flamboyant gay. But he owned who he was. He wore skinny jeans with a pale pink polo shirt and converse. The male police opened the cell and Elize grabbed her sweater.

"No sweetie that's already covered in jail germs, leave that,"

"But that's the Ralph Lauren sweater," she argued, holding it in her hand.

"$300 can be replaced," he said to her, holding out his hand. She looked down. She gave it to the police.

"Give it to someone in need," placing it in his hands, then taking Tony's hand.

"I should just give this place a lawsuit for looking like this," he whispered to her. She smiled.

She loved Tony, very much actually. He was the first friend she made and trusted when her mom died. She can remember it fondly. She was in the closet crying and the door opened up to him in a tux with the very same converse on and he said to her.

"So you just gonna cry in this closet or... What? Cause from what I know, you just become the most wealthiest fifteen year-old on the planet right now and I need to protect you... Like you're mother instructed me to," he smiled at her and she looked up at him, through the tears and took his hand he was offering. He maybe young, but Tony was powerful, a very powerful and fearless lawyer.
They left the police station and got in to the limo. It was an awkward silence.

"You're in sooooo much trouble! Fighting a teacher Elize! I can see you drinking or skipping school, but that! And succeeding in breaking bones?" He wanted to laugh, but this was serious.

"You're suppose to be on the down-low, not causing an up-roar like Katniss! This is not a story where everything is going to go smoothly. Once we hear the entire story with everyone... I don't know what we're going to do!" She sat there, cowering like a puppy, also on the verge of tears.

"And why do I feel like there's more to this! You just don't beat up the man cause he gave you a bad grade or embarrassed you in front of the class. What demon possessed you--" Her phone started to ring. She froze up. He looked at her.

"Get it," he said holding out his hand. She closed her eyes, getting it out of her pocket. She opened her eyes to Dominique. She then started to cry. The ringing stopped... Then started again. She breathed looking between him and the phone. She inhaled sharply.


"Elize honey; I'm so sorry that I did that. I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm so sorry," she pled, crying. Dominique breathed, getting her thoughts together. Theresa sat there with her, looking at her friend breaking down in front of her. It was... Such a hard state to see her in. You could actually feel the regret and guiltiness in her voice.

"Dom-" Tony took the phone away from her.

"No more phone calls Elize. No internet. No social media. No nothing! And whomever this is, I suggest you forget all about her cause soon enough, you won't hear any more after this phone call. Good-bye." He ended the call.

"Tony," she whined crying, "please no! I don't want to leave!" He put the phone in his pocket and silenced her.

"I'm bad cop today Elize," he said, folding his arms. She sat back, crying.


"What happened?" Theresa said as Nicki lowered the phone. She felt like she was choking. She threw the phone down, getting up to pace, only to cry louder.


"Nicki what happened?"

"I just... He said... I-I-I..." She couldn't go on.

She sat back down, calming her breath. Theresa sat back down with her, gathering her in her arms. She felt horrible. And after a couple of minutes she quieted down, then she looked up at Theresa, who looked down at her. She whispered and something came over her

   She then raised her head to kiss her. Theresa was taken back by the sudden-ness, but abided, knowing how she was.

Theresa continued for her sake, but then Dominique started to lower her on the couch, and she felt Nicki's hand rising up her skirt. She pushed Dominique off.

"What were you just going to do?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DOMINIQUE!" she said to her, watching her facial expressions.

"I did that to comfort you, but you wanted more? Listen, I'm your best friend, not your booty call after you fucked up everything with Elize! No, I'm not doing this shit today. I'm going home. Come to your Goddamn senses before you make more mistakes and stop being a horny bitch, PLEASE!" She grabbed her phone and purse and left her, sitting in the couch.

Dominique groaned, knowing that she was right. She fucked up. She couldn't just stand here and wait like Theresa said. She needed to get things done. Dominique held her head and forced herself to cry. She don't know what to do!

So not following Theresa's instructions, she got her keys and left the house.

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