Chapter 18

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    Now in the new year, Dominique and Elize waited at the table while they waited for Tony. They were in a very private restaurant, way at the back, so no one would recognize them. And it wasn't that they were use to the looks of people when they would walk in stores, it was just this was a conversation that need to be just between the three of them.

Dominique pulled her hair back, then started to fumble with her dress. She drank some water to cool her parched throat... Then she began the process again. Elize looked at her from the menu and lowered it.

"Honey calm down, this is Tony we're taking about,"

"Yeah but he hasn't seen me out of the case... You know, he's actually going to have a conversation with me, with us together. And the conversation is about us asking for his sperm to implant in me so I could have children and then let him sign a document, saying that the children will not nor ever be labelled as his. Think about it have children but you're not entitled to your own DNA," Elize slid her hand on hers.

"That doesn't mean he can't be Uncle Tony to them, besides... Children are the last thing after the last thing on his mind right now. And right now he's handling his biggest case," she trailed off.

"I thought you were his only case,"

"That's who I'm talking about," she smiled, Dominique scoffed, pulling her hand to plan a kiss on it. They looked at each other demurely; ready to do this. She looked up, seeing him unbuttoning his suit jacket and being led over to them by a waiter. They smiled at him as he joined the table.

"You want a baby, don't you?" They looked at him shocked and surprised. They both started to stammer. He rolled his eyes and took the menu from Elize.

"I'll give you as much babies you want, can I order?" He asked the waiter, who nodded getting out his notepad. They looked at each other,. It shouldn't have been that simple; it should have been harder, because couples like them would have to wait 9 months to even get a baby.

For them, that 9 months Nicki was going to be pushing her/him out. Elize thought good of it though. From all the bad that's happen, she thanked God that it was simple. Both of them found each other's hand under the table and they held it.

They were going to have a baby.


     Elize carried the girls to the kitchen door, which led out to the backyard. Karma and Evelyn marveled at the house. She made so many renovations to Nicki's house while they were away, adding a another story and a backyard and pool. She still had more things to do, because they decided that this was the house they wanted to build a family in.

Of course Nicki didn't want Elize to spend more money on her, but she insisted. Elize remembered her face when she brought her home. Nicki almost past out. And that night they christened the house.

But she still had to fill the new rooms with furniture; Nicki was going to do that.

"You leave us for almost two months, start a relationship with a teacher, get yourself emancipated and now you're living here!" Karma lectured as she opened the door. Elize shrugged, nodding to her statement. And that was the best two months ever.

      Another good thing about that, moving out of her aunt's house, which she was keeping it for her. Elize checked her in a rehabilitation center. Being hot and pretty was going to get her far, but not far enough, and the drugs were only going to take her youthful look away. She could be clean by next year and start making a living and maybe...even start a family. Elize thought she deserved that. The only reason her mother never told her about was because she was destructive and she couldn't help her, but Elize knew she could.

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