Chapter 37

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      Dominique cursed under her breathe when her wrist started to ache. She breathed and pulled her hair out of her face. She'd been wearing the brace for a week now and it was still aching her.

    All the doctor said was keep taking the prescribe meds and she would feel fine in a few days. Few days passed and it was still aching. Although she dealt with it, it wasn't the worse thing that's happen to her.

    She looked up and saw Marie came over with a cup of coffee to her desk.

     "Hey Marie what's up?" She asked before she could. She was right. Marie did have a crush on her. Marie sat on her desk fully

    "Oh you know, bringing you coffee, being nice, that's all,"

     "You're too kind,"

     "So how's the wrist? Bummer that you got it right when you started?"

     "Yeah...nothing I can't handle," she smiled, sipping the coffee. She inhaled it.

     "Marie this is perfection, how can I repay you?" She joked, settling it down from her paper work.

     "You can...go on a date with me tomorrow night?" She inhaled sharply and smiled sadly.

     "Marie I know that we have this great connection, but...I'm sorry no,"

     "Oh you wanna live the single life with your children? You're straight?" she looked away, sighing.

     "No I am not straight. So that's good. I'm also not single,"

     "I'm engaged," Marie looked at her blankly and looked at her left hand. Nicki followed her gaze.

     "But you don't wear a band. I mean yeah you can't wear it now but you're not wearing anything to signify that--"

   Nicki pulled the necklace out of her cleavage and showed her the extravagant ring looped through it. Marie took it and shook her head.

     "That's a fucking huge diamond...congratulations," she gave it back and watched Nicki put in her shirt and sighed.

     "I still want to be friends. Can we possibly? I don't want this friendship would be over and I like having you as friend. I don't have...many,"

     Sure," she expressed genuinely. She got up and left. Nicki breathed and suddenly her work phone rang.

     "Amelia's Interiors,"

Silence. She looked at the number. Unknown.

      "Hello good morning?"


      "So you found out where I work," she laughed, "I could block your call with a press of a button, you jackass," she ended it. And it rang again, unknown was calling again. She muted the call and when it stopped flashing, she unmuted and sighed.

    She started her computer to begin putting paperwork onto it then her phone rang again. Unknown. She swallowed, looking at it. She stared ahead and closed her eyes for a brief moment.


      "Well that wasn't nice at all,"

      "How can I be nice when you fucking sprained my wrist, you piece of shit!" She hissed, looking around.

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