Chapter 19

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Dominique stopped and checked her outfit again outside of the classroom. Elize wanted to leave right now. She turned and saw Sarah. She scowled at her, but Sarah just smirked and turned the other way. She looked her up and down.

"Baby, we don't have to do this. I can wait!"

"But I can't so we're going in NOW!" Elize rolled her eyes again as she pulled her inside.

"Hello Ms. Mortimor? I'm Sharon Rodchester, Elize's new foster mom. She called me about a ring that you took out this morning. I apologize for her actions and irresponsibility," Ms. Mortimor smiled and raised from her seat. She held out her hand.

"Ahh the foster mom. It's so good to finally see Elize with some responsible people for a change. I heard about the ordeal that happened with her," Nicki's face twitched a bit but the smile remained. Ms. Mortimor looked between them, then at Elize, who looked away from her. This was going to be hard for Nicki knowing what she did was wrong and someone was finally going to tell her about it even if they didn't know she was right in front of them.

"To have that woman disgustingly put her hands on a child of God is really..." She sighed, "an abomination," Then smile of Nicki's face dimmed until she frowned. Elize looked at her and put her hand on her back and she rubbed it.

"Do you believe that I actually worked with her! She used to be so quiet, then this happened. I hope she rots in jail, scarring you for life. A lesbian! They can't have children anyway and that's why no one would give them any. It's unnatural! Everything should be taken away from their kind as soon as people see them...Anyway I can give you such a thing. Once we confiscate an item, it's not going to be given back until the end of the school year. Besides we had someone steal the ring and she's been in the office getting search,"

"What!" They said in unison. Dominique's eyes were watering and Elize put her hand in her skirt. She grabbed some skin, trying to make her stop from over-reacting.

"Who took it?" Elize asked.

"Jo--I mean Karma," she did air quotes, "was inside here when I came back and the ring was gone. To the VP we went," she sat back down.

"Karma would never do that! She tried to help me by making it look like she was the one who owned it. She didn't take it!"

"You have no proof, now can you please leave my class?" Elize breathed. Where was her ring? She wanted to cry right now; not only did Nicki got it for her, but that was thousands of dollars wasted. No... She thought back, noticing a ring on Sarah moments ago. Her ring.

"You're lying," she took her hand out of Nicki's skirt. She slammed her palm on the desk.

"You gave it to Sarah, didn't you?"
Nicki believed her as soon as she said it. That Sarah which she wanted to kill.

"Ms. Rodchester, please control your child!" Nicki was done with this bitch. She went around the desk and grabbed her hand and started to squeeze it. Ms. Mortimor started whimper. Nicki had muscular strength that Elize never known or she didn't want her to know.

"Where is the ring?" She asked, squeezing more. Ms. Mortimor moved out of chair and started to kneel on the floor. She winced at the pain and Nicki felt the tears building up more.

"I don't know!"

"You're lying!" She then slapped her. Elize jumped back at her. She couldn't believe she just did that. Dominique was slowing turning from Sharon back in to herself and in to something else.

"Nicki, stop!" She protested.

"You lost my little girl's ring! That ring better be on her finger tomorrow! And if you breathe a word to this to anyone, I will exploit you and your daughter," She let go of her hand and stormed out of the class. Elize looked at Ms. Mortimor on the floor. What did Nicki know? What secret did this woman have? Not now, because after that she ran after her.

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