Chapter 17

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*****Author's Note*****
*Hint, hint*

Theresa looked at Sara and grinned. She shook her head.

"You're crazy and I'm not doing it,"

"I'll pay you $300 to do it," Theresa pondered on that deal. She squinted her eyes and held out her hand. Sara smiled and got the money out of her Michael Kors bag. She counted $300 in front of her and gave her the money.

"Okay now I need our assistance in making scene," Sara chuckled and gave her her bag, then cracked her knuckles.

"I can do more than make a scene,"


    Elize sighed, opening her eyes. She stretched and felt her grip tighten around her waist. She smiled to herself then looked up at her beautiful girlfriend. Green eyes behind closed lids and her hair, it was longer now passing her shoulders. Her lips swollen from obvious reasons.

This was the love of her life. In their bed. In her apartment back in New York City.

    It was a month later after everything had happen. Christmas happened and the day before she finally turned 16. She now felt like she was becoming more of an adult since her age changed.

    She would have been able to return to school on the new year, which was a plus and an even more plus her principal was fired. Serves him right, making a decision that big without all the facts.

     She looked down at Nicki. Noticing all of her curves and smoothing them with her hand. She looked at her, praying that she wouldn't wake her up just yet. She wanted this moment for as all as it can. She looked at her wrists. They were still wrapped, but with much thinner wraps. She had to take medication and had to rest this Christmas break. Well, after all of the love-making they were doing, the sleep was beautiful.

    She thought about the month that past by. It went so quickly that she barely had time to even reflect on it. That Jackass was put in to jail for 10 and up. They would probably be gone by the time he came out and if they were still in the country, he wasn't coming anywhere near them unless a bullet went through his body. Elize promised that to her.

     Also, Dominique wouldn't be doing any time in jail, because Elize didn't bribe, but persuaded the courts to not let Dominique rot. How you may ask? Well Elize emancipated herself, even though she was 16. How could Dominique not rot when it happened before she was emancipated? Well now that Elize was, there wasn't any trouble to be done. This was what she wanted and she was going to show everyone, that you could find love and live life at 16. Now here she was, in this bed, ready to make a biggest decision of her life.

   She smoothed Dominique's nose, causing her to sneeze and wake up. She smiled, figuring out yet another way to wake her up without actually saying it. Nicki looked at her with one eye.

     "You need to get a life," she groaned, casting her leg over Elize's leg and then getting up, straddling her. She pulled the covers over her head so that all Elize could see was her naked body. She bent down to kiss her.

"I love you," she laid on her body. She started to kiss her neck and her hand wandered down. Elize inhaled sharply, looking at her mischievously. Elize rolled them over, pinning her hands over her head.

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