Chapter 6

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   Dominique breathed as she stared out the window of her best friend's apartment. She still had Elize on her mind for the past month. She could feel the tears swelling in her eyes again. She braced her arms on the counter and sighed. A couple tears left before Theresa came out. She wiped the tears and sniffed.

"What are you doing?"

"Cooking Singapore noodles,"

"The fuck you're not, because..... we're going out!" She said excitedly, pushing Dominique out the way and turning off the stove. She looked at her crazy.

"We can't go out it's a Sunday night,"

"So," Theresa said dismissively.

"It's going to be school night, dumb ass," She folded her arms.

"Who cares! We're adults. We can afford to get drunk and have hangovers and still be able to teach in the morning," Theresa smiled as she checked her new manicured nails. Dominique rolled her eyes before saying,

"You can go out. I'm staying home," She turned the stove back on, getting back to her noodles.


"Make sure you bring me back a bikini top!" Sarah shouted. Elize smiled as she rolled down the window.

"I might be able to get you three," She said. Maison wrapped his arms around her and smiled. Evelyn and Karma were in the front seat of the car as they drove off, Evelyn driving.

"So babe, what do you think you wanna do?" Maison asked. Elize shifted in her skirt. She blushed as his arm went tighter around her.

"I don't know, maybe get a couple shots, dance, nothing extraordinary," He looked at her like she was a innocent school girl. 'She's so innocent,'

"Ugh," He grinned, "You're soooo plain, but don't worry we'll make this night, a night to remember," He whispered, then kissed her. Elize breathed in as he did, and her mind went blank. He released and she smiled, but when he turned, she frowned.

    With..... Dominique, her mind exploded with everything imaginable. The colors were high-lightened, the air seemed fresher, her pores opened up and she could see a future with them. She flinched forgetting those thoughts and Dominique.... maybe just for tonight.


"Come on,"

"Theresa I told you I'm not going anywhere! I like my life staying home and watching cheesy chick flicks and being a normal ass teacher who doesn't have a wild life."

"Excuse me? Normal!" She shouted.

    "You're anything from fucking normal. You are a lesbian! You were a party girl back in college. Every party you were there, drinking, making friends. You were in a sorority, you had friends. Plus you're in love with some girl you can't have and you keep crying for her. Me I'm normal! I was the bookworm, always quiet, always had her nose in a book, in the library. You're not normal!"

"And you're not a wild girl! You don't know the consequences that came with bein a party girl!" Dominique felt the years of hurt flooding back. She got up and started to hyperventilate. She started crying as she remembered. Theresa came too her to
t comfort her, but Dominique shouted to stay away from her.

"You don't know the consequences!" She screamed, wiping the tears.

"I... was a mess in College. Remember I had the affair with my French professor. I thought he was the love of my life. He gave me my hopes and dreams. He told me he loved me. I gave my virginity to him on his desk with.... a picture of his wife and daughter staring at us as he took me.

I had to abort the baby, because he punched me and slapped me and said that I was going to ruin his life with the bastard child. I hate him! And from that day on I promised myself that the only people who were going to come in my life were women who could love me. No one came, Theresa," She cried, shaking her head.

"Couple nights later I went to a party and I got drunk to the point I got assaulted..." Dominique broke down sinking back in to the couch. Theresa's heart broke. She remembered her being assaulted, the bruises.

"They videotaped it and its on a porn site, maybe several and do you want to know what the title is?" She asked looking up. Her eyes were red. Theresa shook her head, she didn't want to know.

"It's under 'Silly intoxicated girl asks for it's when I didn't! It's got a million views," She said in an emotionless voice.

"And yes, I am in love with a girl, but the girl is 15. Her name is Elize Marie-Anne Jacobs. She has the sweetest smile and she was born a day before Christmas. She's beautiful and I can't have her because.... She's fucking 15 and she's a student at the school where we work!" She wiped her tears.

"And I broke our hearts a month ago,"

"Oh Nicki, I..." Theresa sat next to her, speechless. Dominique patted her knee and sighed. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Forget it; forget I said anything,

"No, we'll stay home, let's do it,"

  "We'll talk about it later;i promise. You already made my noodles go cold so, give me ten minutes then we'll go," She got up going to the room to go get ready.

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