Chapter 22

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   "And welcome to High School..." Elize spoke, pulling Sara through the gate.
This was her second year at the school and it was going to be better than the last...literally. She was not going to get in trouble this time.

  Sara looked around and saw all of the children talking amongst themselves and she sighed. As they walked, girls turned their heads sharply to see the new white girl in their school. She rolled her eyes.

"Hold on," Elize said, checking her phone. She wanted to check on Dominique to see if she was awake, because she left the house without kissing her goodbye. She wanted her to rest and she could easily replace a kiss with even more later on.

Sara blew her hair and fidgeted with her skirt, rolling her band so it could be shorter. Elize blushed from her phone and put it away. No, this was not the time for flirting with her horny fiancée. Next thing you know, she would skip school and be on the bus back to her in 10 minutes. She noticed Sara's skirt was shorter.

"Nope, little one, below the knees please! It's a part of the rules," she fixed her skirt back to the proper length.

"I'm older than you," she snapped. Elize teasing smile came off and stepped back by the sudden outburst.

"Only by two months," she scoffed, then she turned. At that moment, she saw Karma and Evelyn coming through the gate. They looked around, looking for her as well. And at the very same time they all looked at each other and screamed. Elize went running to them and jumping on them. Sara widen her eyes at the sight. They hugged, suffocating one another.

'New best friends Elize?' She asked herself. Sara sighed depressingly and walked over to them.

They started to talk about their summer and how Dominique was feeling. It hadn't felt like she had spent almost 3 months without them. Maybe that was true friendship. You don't see people for years but when you come back together, it's like time hasn't gone by.

"She's amazing. I left her sleeping, and I didn't want to, but I had to. I had to see my girls!" She winked. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked back at Sara and brought her in front of her.

"Oh girls, this is my best friend Sara without an 'H' Montgomery. Sara, this is Karma and Evelyn," she introduced one another.

"White girl," she said smiling. Sara narrowed her eyes.

"Actually I'm Caucasian and of Hispanic heritage! I'm a multi-cultural mother fucker, not just a white. Please let's get that corrected,"

"Sara," Elize hissed nudging her. She didn't want a fight to break out between--

"Feisty little mouth," she said circling her. Sara folded her arms, watching her.

"Now let's get something between you and me straight. I don't give fuck where you come from or who you are! You may be Elize's child hood best friend, but I can beat a bitch who disrespects okay? We're fine with our black/hispanic school and we don't need a yellow crayon in the box," she said to her in complete Spanish. Elize and Evelyn both dropped their mouths in amazement. Sara flipped her hair and smiled.

"Got it? I do! At this moment, to me, you're just a sensitive bitch who thinks everyone wants to mess with her. They probably do since you look like such a fucking easy target. I mean look at you! You look tough, but inside you're weak. And we could go right now if it wasn't for Elize's hand on my arm holding me back. So do you got it? And if you don't, well sucks to you. I'm done with your weak self. Bye bitch. And it was nice to be acquainted with you Evelyn," she waved her away, walking away. She spotted Theresa and walked to her.

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