Chapter 9

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"And why did you have to let me fall in the table, I mean, there could have been ways for me to get down!" She squealed at Nicki. She shrugged and kissed their intertwined hands.

"Trust me, it's hard controlling a drunk until you have to just give all you got to get them to do what you want. I hope it didn't hurt your pretty wittle head," she teased her in a baby voice. Elize rolled her eyes, blushing.

"So about tomorrow?"


"I can't see you at all during the entire time," she fiddled with their hands. Nicki looked across and tighten her grip.

"You can see me whenever you want to," she reassured her. She nodded, looking back outside. The car ride then remained silent until she pulled up to her House.

"This is where you live," she asked, looking at the over grown grass and dark house, which no one appeared to be inside.

"The only living family member who I have that doesn't know I inherited the money, or she's too high and drunk to even notice," Elize took her hand away and Nicki sighed from the once warm space. Elize clenched her hands and breathed, opening the car door.

"Babe... You can't leave me being mad. When you're with me, all I want to see is you smiling and laughing." She held her arm.

"I'll see you tomorrow Nick,"

"Don't I get a good-bye kiss?" She smirked cutely. Elize rolled her eyes and turned and pressed her lips against Nicki's, which was a mistake, cause then Nicki pulled her from her seat and sat her on her lap.

"You are going to get me in to trouble," they smiled against each other's. Nicki when laid her hands on Elizes abdomen. They continued the making-out until a car past them and drove in front of them and parking. Elize looked back and saw it was her aunt's car.

"Shit!" She hissed climbing over back to the seat. Dominique quickly buttoning her flannel shirt frantically. Elize cussed tried to find her shirt in the dark.

"See you're getting me in trouble right now," She kept hissing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," they watched her aunt come out of the car with skimpy clothes. Elize groaned at her then looked at Nick and groaned even louder. Then another person came out, but this person was a gentleman in suit.

"Come on hun, $3800 is about to be paid off tonight,"

"It better be worth my while," she turned to him and walked to him, and grabbed his crotch. He already felt like cowering and falling to his knees.

"Honey when I'm done with you it's going to be that and more," She let go of his crotch and she fixed his jacket. They walked to the front door and then went through slamming it.

It was an awkward silence on the cat then. Elize was just holding her head and livid that Dominique just watched an act of prostitution. She was embarrassed. And it's not like her aunt wasn't hot. She was, is hot, and was the splitting image of her mother. Twins. And hypothetically speaking, it was like her mother was the one doing the that kind of job. And... It was horrible.

"Your aunt is a..." Elize swallowed and nodded.

"Yep say it Nick, a whore! A drug-driven, sex-serving, stupid-ass fucking whore!!"

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