Chapter 44

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The end of the chapter might be uncomfortable for some so just read as much as you can and if start to feel it, just move on quickly.

       Theresa watched as the news flashed an emergency warning of him. They got a new picture out and it was all over the radio. How Elize did it, she didn't know, but she was glad. She slept in the guest room of the house in the Paradise house. The girls doors down.

        To be honest, it was a struggle to get the girls' parents to reason and why their daughters have to move out of the house. Evelyn started to cry when her parents said no and Jo, they said no, but she was already packed and ready for her car.

       Elize had to get the lawyers to get involved and then the entire situation turned around once they explained, leaving out Elize and Dominique's relationship.

      They were all at the house the following night and the next day was in school and the women at work.

     She was tired. It was a very tiring week and yet she had to get up. Sadly to go to work, and normally she would be a slowpoke to get ready.

And yet, today was an exception. Plus they only turn one once. 


     Elize woke up on Nicki's chest again. It happened normally now that they were together again; they rarely spooned anymore. She smiled, wrapping her arms around her waist and nuzzling her head there.

    It was a Saturday and she was just going to rest, like always, on a Saturday. No disruptions. No school. No work. Just peace and quiet with her family. Then she heard the squealing.


      The twins had gotten up early. Marie always woke up first and escaped from her crib. She went to her sister's.

     She opened the crib and climbed in, walking her up. Leah sighed and opened her eyes and yawned. She curled into a ball and put her thumb in her mouth. Marie sighed and took it out.

      Leah cried out and looked at her annoyed. She stretched and sat up. Marie pointed out the door. Leah turned to where she was pointing and yawned again.

      "Mommy?" She asked and Marie nodded.

       "Birthday!" Marie smiled. This got Leah to widen her eyes and jump out of the crib. They walked to the door and Leah bent to the floor so Marie could climb her back to open it. Once she did, she jumped off and took Leah's hand and ran out the room.

    Elise and Dominique always had their door ajar, therefore the twins always would barge in. They jumped on the couch chair in front  of the bed and squealed. They jumped on the bed and bounced on their mothers.

      "Birthday!" They chanted over and over. Both mothers groaned, but Elize covered her face more in Nicki's chest. Then Nicki wrapped her arms around her.
       "Your daughters are awake," she mumbled. Nicki laughed softly.

       "Oh so they're my daughters when they're squealing and energetic. So when are they yours?"

        "When they're sleeping and peaceful," she grumbled, not wanting to get up.

         "Momma birthday!"

       "Yes my little munchkin! It's your birthday!" Nikki sat up causing Elize to groan, but she got up as well still clutching her. Nicki opened her arms.

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