Chapter 55

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"Babe I need your help,"

"Of course. What do you need?"

She sighed and grabbed the car keys. She took their hands in hers and held it to her chest.

"Promise me you'll still love me after today,"

"What are you talking about? I'll love you today, tomorrow, next month...forever," she blushed, looking up at them.

"Maybe you'll love me a little less in an hour," she pulled them up from the bed and out of the room.


Jo breathed as she pulled Josh through the bush and to the shack.

She stopped right in front of the door and looked at him.

"For the past 4 months, I've kept a huge secret from everyone: you, the girls, Elize and Dominique. Only Sara and I knew, well she thinks he's dead so maybe it's just me now,"

"Think who is dead?"

"No he's not! He's just very weak and flimsy," she motioned off. Josh took her face in his hands and searched her eyes.

"Who is he?"

"Alexander Jean," she finally said. His eyes widened and barged through the door, eyes narrowing at the man in the corner of the room, head bent. At the sound of the noise, he raised his head.

"Josephine, back for more. I think it's been a month. I hope you brought more food," he locked eyes or one, because the other was closed shut.

" Oh! You brought your boyfriend to kill me, how sweet. You both can be murders together,"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jo said, walking around Josh, who was still shocked. She got a bucket from the far side of the room and walked to him. She threw what was inside on him.

"Bath time, cause I can see you've been soiling yourself,"

"Being handcuffed to the floor can do that to a person,"

"Isn't he funny? That's why I can't bring myself to kill him. Although death is still not worthy because of what you did," Josh came out his trance and grabbed his fiancée's hand softly.

"Remind me of how long you have been keeping him here for?" He whispered.

"Hmmm, it may be 5 months instead of 4. He was in here before Christmas,"

"Jo, this is madness. I still love you the very same way, but you have to turn him in. You can't keep this burden on you!"

"That's what I've been telling her! Do you know how long I've been telling her to kill me!"

"Shut up!" Josh walked to him and kicked him in his chest, knocking him flat on the ground.

"Kicking a man when he's already down?" Jean tsked, " I thought you were better than that than your girlfriend,"

"Give me the gun, I'll do it," Josh turned to Jo with his hand out.

"You really think I'd leave the weapon here with him on a deserted island. Then when I come back, he'll kill me. Wow Josh. You really think I'm a jackass,"

"No I'm not saying that--"

"Then what are you saying!"

"JO!" He grabbed her by her arm and pulled her along with him outside, closing the door behind.

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