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"Wow!  Look, Isla!  Your very first easter basket!  Thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Paulson!  Isla, you got a little bunny to cuddle with.  Do you love it?"

Isla babbles and looks to the bunny her mother stuck in her face.

"This ones for you, Jessica."

"Aw!  This is my first Easter basket too!" Jessica giggles.

"This is a big basket!  Wow.. Clothes, shoes, pj's!  All this candy!  Since being pregnant any kind of candy is my weakness."

"Well enjoy, sweetie!"

"Thank you!  Ooh!  A baby sling thing!  Oh Isla will Loooove this!"

"That's what we thought." Catherine says. "She loves being glued to her mommy.  We figured this was a gift for both of you."

"Yes, this is great. Thank you!"

"Mom, do we have to go to church today?" Sarah randomly asks.

"Sarah, you know we go on all of the major holidays."

Jessica suddenly feels a little awkward.

"Jessica, I don't know what your beliefs are, but if you'd like to join us, you're more than welcome." Catherine smiles.

"Well.." Jessica looks down and plays with her hands.

"I've actually never been to church.. ever."

"Well that's okay, honey!"

"I don't think they'd like me there.. you know, with me having a baby at such a young age and unmarried.."

"No honey, those are the Baptists, we're Catholic."

"I don't know the difference.."

"You know what?  Let's skip today."

"YES!" Sarah shouts with a smile.

"No, no, no.. I um.. I'll go.  I'm nervous but.. I want to know about all that stuff.. I don't really know what I believe, I hope I don't offend anyone.  I've just never been taught, and.. well I don't feel God has ever looked out for me."

"Your feelings are your feelings, and you have a good reason to feel that.  You have every right to feel the way you do! But you're here, you survived that, and you have this little baby.  To me that's a blessing.  But you certainly don't have to believe what we believe.  If you want to know anything about our religion, I'll be happy to answer as best as I can.. I'm Catholic, but I don't know Everything!"

"Thank you.  I appreciate that."

"... So we do have to go?" Sarah asks.

Catherine turns to Sarah and gives her a mom look.


"Is this okay for church?  Are my boobs too big?"

"Too big for church?" Sarah asks.

"I mean can you see too much of my boobs?"

"No, you're good."

"What should Isla wear?  Should she wear white?"

"It's not her baptism, Jess." Sarah laughs.

"Well I don't know, Sarah!  I'm nervous, and I'm sweating!" Jessica fans her underarms.

"Don't be nervous.  There's a lot of standing up and sitting down, but it's fine!  You'll be fine.  Plus, Danny will be there.  You'll know someone else."

"Danny's gonna be there?! I have to do my hair!" Jessica shouts as she runs to the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh." Sarah nods.


"Hi Danny!" Jessica smiles as his family walks over and joins their pew.

"Hey Jess!  Happy Easter." Danny smiles.

"Thanks, you too!"

"Happy Easter, Poopy Girl!" Danny smiles to Isla."

Jessica laughs and looks down to Isla who opened her mouth and started wiggly around.

"That's her trying her best to smile."

"Aww.  You're so cute, Isla."

During mass Isla sat quietly in her carseat, she even nodded off for about fifteen minutes.  Jessica listen closely.  She was confused at times, but after it was over she felt some sort of peace.

"So.. how did you feel about service?" Catherine asks.

"I enjoyed it.  I was a little lost at some points, but it was nice.  I'd like to come back maybe.. I want Isla to learn about all of this.  When she's older she can decide what she does or does not believe in, but I'd like to give her what know one else gave me.."

"You're one incredible mommy, Jessica Lange."

Jessica smiles proudly. "Thank you."

Catherine then turns to her side and sighs. "Look at this heathen.  Sarah, wake up!" She shouts and gently shoves her.

Sarah gasps and jumps from her sleep.

Jessica laughs and looks down to the baby.
"How was that, little love?  Did you enjoy it?"

Isla coos and looks up to her mother.

"Oh yes, let's talk about it, Princess!" She says in a baby voice.

No offense to any Baptists!  I am referring to the deep southern Baptists I know.  This family is judgmental and racist.  They didn't want my brother dating their daughter, I don't know if it's because we're not Baptist, or if it was because we're Mexican, I can see it going either way with them.  BUT!  We lucked out because their daughter got pregnant and forced into marriage at 15😅

There is a lot of hate on Catholics, but the ones that are in my little circle are not the crazy ones lmao!

Just wanted to add that. If you're Baptist I'm sure you're a lovely person lol!
I won't go too deep into religion in this story, I just want to go into all the things Jessica has never experienced.... Plus I'm not one who knows a whole bunch about religion haha😅

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