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"I'm so excited to go to the zoo with mommy, daddy, and baby Holly." Isla says to her grandmother.

"I'm excited too!  I get a few hours off to have some Me time."

Isla giggles. "I'm just glad mommy didn't make me take this off my schedule!"

Catherine laughs. "What did she make you take off your schedule?"

"She made me take Vegas off."

"You wanted to go to Vegas?"

"Yeah for mommy and daddy's wedding."

"What?" She laughs.

"I want them to be married, Gagaaaa!" Isla whines. "I want to live with them in a big house!  I want mommy and daddy to have babies for me!"

"Sweet girl, there's not a doubt in my mind that that won't happen.  Those two are made for each other.  But They are only nineteen years old."

"Gaga, that's old." Isla gives her a blank stare

"What's old?" Danny walks in.

"You and mommy."

"Wow, thanks."

"You're old enough to get married in Vegas.  Momma made me take it off the list."

Danny laughs. "You planned our wedding?"

"Well yeah!  You wanna marry mommy, right?"

"So bad.  But not in Vegas, bug."

"That's where weddings are."

"True.  But you can get married anywhere."

"Even the zoo?"

"Hah!  I mean maybe someone has but.. I doubt momma would go for that."


"When your mom and I get married it's gonna be the most beautiful wedding ever.  Not in Vegas.  Right here in the good old state of Texas with our whole family."

"When will it be?"

"I can't say, Poopy.  But trust me.. it's gonna happen." Danny winks. "I'd marry her today if she let me."

Jessica clears her throat and everyone turns to the doorway.

"Sishy!" Holly shouts.

"Hi pretty girl!  Are we all ready to go?"

"Yep!  Come on guys!" Isla says with excitement. "WAIT!  Can we please bring Anjie too?"

"I was wondering why she wasn't invited." Danny plays.

"I was so busy planning my summer, I forgot!  I'm so sorry, Daddy!"

"It's okay, bug.  I'm sure my mom won't mind us taking one off her hands for a few hours.



"We are, Anjelica!" Jessica smiles.  She then turns to Danny and says, "What are we doing with three girls and no adults to help us?"

Danny laughs as Anjelica screams with happiness.

"We should have just left that one home."

"Stop it, Daniel!" She laughs and playfully hits his arm.



"No, that's a bear.  Wow, Gaga and Poppy aren't teaching you anything." Isla says making Danny and Jessica laugh.

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