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"Ahhhhh!!" Isla screamed on the top of her lungs.  Her hands flying to her ears.


"MOMMY!!  Him is bleeding!!"


"Sir, stay back!"

Danny doesn't listen and runs to Jessica.  He takes her in his arms and she sobs into his chest.

"DANNY!" Isla shouts.

"Hi baby girl." Danny reaches his hand to her as tears roll down his face.  Isla was sitting in what looked to be a dog cage.  Her beautiful eyes lost their sparkle.  Her cheeks were tear stained and her voice raspy. "Why did he do this to you?" Danny's voice shakes.

"He's a bad man!" Isla says. "Is he dead?!"

"Nah, they just got him good in the leg.  But don't worry, he's never gonna hurt you or mommy ever again." Danny says taking his shirt off and putting it on Jessica.

Jessica felt disgusting.  She was scared, and she was in so much pain.

"Your poor face." Danny held her chin in his hand.  He then looked down and panicked. "You're bleeding." His eyes widen slightly.

"He hurt me so bad." Jessica cries.

"Ma'am, we're going to take good care of you and your daughter, okay?" Jessica turns to the beautiful dark skinned woman who offered her a robe before helping her onto a gurney.

Danny went to Isla and let her out.  Isla sobbed and clung to Danny.

"I love you!  I love you so so much!  Please don't ever leave me and mommy ever again!"

"Baby girl I won't.  I promise you." Danny cries softly as he holds her.

"I was so scared!"

"I'm so sorry you went through that, princess."

"Are you gonna go to the hospital with us in case I need your blood again?"

Danny chuckles softly through his tears. "I'll be there the whole time, beautiful girl."

Isla looks Danny in the eyes once more before throwing herself on him and sobbing loudly.


Jessica needed stitches on her lip, her cheek, and her private area.  She was in so much pain, but Edwin was gone.  Hopefully now he would be put away for a long long time.

Catherine stayed with Isla while she was being examined.  She needed two stitches on her lip.  She was a little bruised up, but she was okay.

Danny never left Jessica's side.  He offered to leave when being examined but Jessica needed him.  She never once let go of his hand.  Still not saying a single word, she laid her head back on the pillow and shut her eyes.  Her only communication with Danny was squeezing his hand when she felt pain.

When a nurse or doctor spoke to Jessica she only gave very quiet, very short answers.  When the two were finally alone Danny softly rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand.

Jessica kept her gaze down as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"I love you." Danny simply said.

Jessica turned her head and tried her best not to lose it.

"I won't leave you again.  I'll transfer."

Jessica sighed and turned to him. "You can't.  Not for me." She nods. "You have to go back."

"No." Danny nods. "If it weren't for me you would't be in this situation.  I should have come home.  It's all my fault. . and I'll never forgive myself.  Ever!"

"Danny. ."


Jessica finally looks him in the eyes and can't hold back.  She turns her head to hide her tears.

Danny sits beside her and takes her in his arms. "You can talk to me, baby."

Jessica pauses and turns to him. "I don't want to keep putting you in situations like this."

"Jessie, it was my fault."

"No it wasn't!  Don't blame yourself.  I am cursed and I always have been.  You don't deserve to be put in the middle of a mess like this.  You need to go.  I have to learn to live without you."


"You deserve more than what I am."

"What you are is the most incredible woman in the world."

"Danny please don't fight this.  I am dirty!" Jessica's voice shakes. "I'm tainted!  Please!  GO!" She cries.

"No!  I'm not leaving you!  You and I deserve each other.  Don't let this man get in your head.  You deserve all the happiness that I am going to give you."

Jessica sobs and nods her head. "No Danny.  NO!"



"I don't want to leave you.  I want to protect you and love you.  I want to take care of you and Isla.  I know you love me.  Please don't let him get us.  Don't shut me out, Jess."

Jessica pauses for a moment.  Her hands shaking and her voice weak, she says, "I'm scared."

"Talk to me.  I'm here for you.  I'm going to help you through this."

"What if he comes back?"

"He won't."

"But what if he does!" Jessica raises her voice.

"You can't think like that.  This guy will be locked up for a while."

"Danny. ." Jessica can't look him in the eyes.  Her gaze stays on her blanket laid over her lap.


"What if I get pregnant?"

Danny sighs.

"I love isla but I can't do that again.  I don't want to have his baby." She cries.

"You won't.  If that happens I'll take you to a state that takes care of that."

"I wanted to give myself to you. . I wanted our wedding night to be special."

"It will be!"

"Sex is something I don't think will ever be fun.  I don't like it.  It hurts."

"That's because that wasn't sex.  That was rape.  There's a difference.  One day you'll walk down the aisle in front of all of our family and friends.  We'll eat, drink, and dance.  And then. . . I will make love to you on our wedding night.  I will kiss and love on every inch of your beautiful body because that is what you deserve.  It won't hurt, and it won't feel dirty.  It will be beautiful.  It will feel amazing for both of us because we are in love."

"You're so clean though. ." Jessica says in a small voice.

"So are you.  Baby girl, you've been hurt so many times.  But you aren't dirty.  What Edwin has done to you was horrible.  He didn't make love to you.  Our first time together will be both of our first time.  And it'll be incredible.

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