Everyday Jessica would sit in the custodian closet, and everyday Edwin had something for her.
"Here you go. A turkey sandwich and some chips."
Jessica smiled softly. "Thank you Mr. Edwin."
"You're welcome. Jessica?"
"Yes sir?"
"Why don't you try making friends? I enjoy having you in here, but surely you'd want to hang out with people your own age."
"They're all mean to me."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"How old are you?"
"I'm forty two."
"Wow. You're really old."
Edwin laughs softly. "Thanks."
"Nah it's okay. I am old."
Jessica took a bite of her sandwich. "Mmm. This is so good. The family I'm with now are vegans. The food is so weird!"
"Yikes! Well tomorrow I'll try to sneak you in a burger."
Jessica laughs and sips her water.
"Thank you for being so nice to me."
"You don't have to think me. I care about you, Jessica."
Jessica tears up. "You do?" She asks.
"I do."
"No one has ever cared about me."
Edwin smiles softly. "I do."
Jessica smiles before taking another bite of her sandwich.
After lunch Jessica began to feel an ache in her stomach. She thought maybe the turkey she ate was bad. She asked her teacher if she could go to the restroom, and when she stood up everyone pointed and laughed at her.
Jessica had started her period, and now the entire class had yet another reason to make fun of her.
Jessica was humiliated. She wanted to close her eyes and disappear forever.