I hope she's happy

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"Come on Jessica, it's time to go home." Bill says.

"I don't want to go home with you!  I HATE you!"

"Come on, Jessica."


"Jessica has bruises on her face from you two, and just gave her child away!  I don't want her going back to your house."

"She is fine with us, and that's exactly where she's going to be.  Come on, Jessica!"

"Wait!" Sarah says.

"Jessica.. Here.  These are all of the blankets she used.  Her hats are in your bag, and her pacifiers.. I took them from the bag Jennifer thought she took." Sarah smiles.

Jessica cried softly and hugged Sarah.
"Thank you, Sarah."

"You're welcome.  I love you, friend."

"I love you too."

"I love you too, Jess." Danny says.

"I love you too Danny." Jessica hugs him tightly and shuts her eyes.

"Call me if you need anything.  Even if it's just to talk.  I'm here for you."

"Thank you."

"Let's GO!" Suzanne shouts.

"I just gave birth, stop talking to me like I'm a child!"

"You are a child!"

Jessica slowly walked to the car as tears poured down her face.

The rest of the afternoon was horrible.  Jessica didn't eat. All she did was lay in bed, looking at her ultrasound pictures, and scrolling through the pictures and videos she took of Isla. Jessica cried and cried.

She then felt the need to nurse so she called Sarah's house.


"Mrs. Paulson?"

"Jessica? Oh darling, how are you?"

"I'm not okay.. I miss her."

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry! My husband and I are talking to our lawyer. This isn't right, and we're going to get your baby back."

"Thank you so much."

"Are you feeling okay? Other than missing her.."

"I'm really really sore from the birth, and I need ice but I'm too nervous and mad to go down to get it. Plus those stairs almost killed me. I can't do that again. Oh and also, I need to pump but I don't have a breast pump. I don't know what to do, it hurts so bad."

"I'll go buy one and bring it over."

"Are you sure? I feel so bad."

"It's not a problem! Don't worry, Jessica."

"Thank you so much."


Half an hour later Bill opens the door after hearing the doorbell ring.

"Can I help you?" He asks.

"I have something I'd like to give Jessica."

"She doesn't need anything."

"Yeah well she needs this. Excuse me." Catherine makes her way in the house.

Bill sighs and shuts the door.

Catherine knocks softly on Jessica's bedroom door.

"Come in.."

"Hi.  Here you go love."

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