Take care of it

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"Come on, get under the covers!" Danny smiles and scoots over.

Jessica giggles and cuddles Danny.

"I love your perfect little face." Danny says kissing her cheeks.

"Daniel." She laughs as he tickles her.  Suddenly they hear Zoe's muffled voice against the door.

"Are you back together!?!"

"Go away, Ma!" Danny throws a pillow at his door.

Jessica laughs and sits up.

"No, no, lay down." Danny grabs her waist and pulls her back.

"Danny stop, we have to get up." She giggles and attempts pulling his arm from around her waist.

"No.  I'm never letting you go.  Never ever again.  Especially because you keep pushing me away."

"I'm sorry. . ."

"I forgive you."

Jessica laughs and pushes him off of her. "Come on, I have to get back to Isla, and You have to shower, stinky."

"I don't want you to leave."

"Well maybe we'll come back. . you know. . to help you clean this junk yard." Jessica makes a face as she scans his room.

"Daniel!  Is that a pizza box under that dirty pair of underwear?"

"Don't look!  I didn't know I'd be blessed with your presence this morning."

"I have to go.  The smell is making me have to puke again." Jessica makes a face and places her hand on her stomach.

"Fine but after I'm clean I'm coming over."

"Sounds good!"

"Do you want me to go buy um. . a test?"

Jessica sighs deeply. "I should probably take one."

"Just to ease your mind."

"I feel I already know.  But yeah, go ahead."

"Okay.  I love you."

"I love you more."

Jessica pecks his lips and leaves the room.

"Oh my gosh, Mrs. Huston, you scared me!"

"Sorry!  Are you back together?!"

"We are." Jessica giggles.

"YES!  Oh I'm so happy!"

"So am I." She chuckles cutely.

Zoe then peaks into Danny's room.  She gasps and shouts, "Daniel Huston!  You had her in here with this mess!  It stinks in here!"

"It is a little stinky, but it was important and I love this big goof so I just laid in the funk."

Zoe turns from Jessica to Danny, and with a blank face she says, "Marry her."

Jessica laughs. "Bye Huston's.  I'll see you later!"


"We're back together!" Jessica smiles. "Everything is fine. . . Well not everything." Jessica looks down and runs her hand down her stomach.

Catherine sighs. "It'll be okay, sweet girl."

"Danny's coming over. . he's bringing a test but. . I already know, mom.  You've had two babies, you just know when there's a person growing in your uterus."

"Yeah. .  We're here for you.  You are not alone, sweet girl."

"I know.  Danny said he'll take me somewhere to take care of it if I want."

"That's very sweet of him."

"Yeah.  He's the best."

". . It that what you're planning?"

"I don't know yet."

"We support you know matter what."

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, sweet girl."


"I'm back!  Did everyone miss me?"

"Oh so much, Daniel!" Zoey grabs her chest dramatically.

"DADDY!" Isla runs to him.

"Hey Poopy Butt!"

"Mommy has a sick tummy so you're gonna stay with us tonight!"

Danny chuckles and kisses her cheek. "Sounds like a plan!"

Jessica smiles and takes Isla. "Bug, I want you to play down here with Nana so Danny and I can talk."

"Yeah Right!  You just wanna make out!" Isla rolls her eyes.

"Isla Rose!" Jessica says with a shocked expression.

"Just cause he's cute."

Danny smiles. "I'm cute?"

"Yeah, for a boy." Isla shrugs.

Danny chuckles as Jessica takes his hand and guide him upstairs. "We'll be back, Isla Butt,"

"Yeah, Yeah."


Jessica takes a deep breath as she holds the test in her hand.  Danny stands behind her with her waist in his hands.

"I knew it."

Danny kisses her shoulder and turns her around.

"How do you feel?"

"I don't know.  I'm sad. . I'm angry.  I'm scared."

"You don't have to decide what you want to do right now."

"I've already made my decision.  I don't want to have this baby."

Danny nods. "Okay.  Then I'll figure out where we need to go to take care of it."

"Thank you."

"I love you so much, Jessica."

"I love you too, Danny." Jessica says as he takes her in his arms and rubs her back.

"You are the strongest person I know."

Jessica takes a short pause before speaking in a shaky voice. "I don't feel strong."

Hearing Jessica cry broke Danny's heart.  Why can't Jessica just live happily and peacefully?  Why do these things happen to girls like her?  She's so sweet and has never hurt a soul.

Danny loves Jessica more than anyone else in the world, and he planned to stick right by her side.  He knew going through with this would be extremely difficult on her, but she would not be alone.  He didn't want to leave her alone ever again.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated any of my stories lately.  My life has been crazy and extremely stressful, but I really really want to get back at it!

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