Safe Place

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*Trigger Warning*

Jessica was absolutely mortified and asked to be picked up early.

Of course Suzanne said for her to change and get back to class. She didn't understand how embarrassed Jessica felt. Or maybe she did and just didn't care.

When Jessica got home from school she walked up to her room and cried.

"What's wrong with her?" Billy asked his wife.

"She started her period at school."

"Oh. Are you gonna go talk to her?"

Suzanne sighs. "I guess so." She then walks upstairs and opens Jessica's bedroom door.

Jessica gasped and turned towards the door.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm so embarrassed! You don't understand. Those kids hate me!"

"Oh Jessica, don't be so dramatic!"

"I'm not being dramatic, they hate me! This is so horrible. I don't want to go back. Please don't make me go back!"

"You have to go back. Now just lay down and relax until dinner."

Jessica let out a sob.

"Stop that."

"I'm upset!"

Suzanne sighs.

"They call me 'Dirty Girl'. They make fun of everything! Can I please have some new clothes? They laughed at me because my pants are too short for my legs."

"Tell them that's the style."

"I.. I need a bra too. I don't have a whole lot but.. I need something so I feel more comfortable."

"Alright, I will take you this weekend."



"Thank you!" Jessica smiled and hugged Suzanne tightly.

"Alright, alright. Let me go check on dinner." Suzanne stood up and left Jessica's room.

Jessica was just so happy she was getting the chance to buy some new clothes. She couldn't wait til the weekend.


"Thank you for all of this.. I really appreciate it. I hope the kids at school will like these new clothes.."

"I'm sure they will."

Jessica looks at Suzanne and smiles. In Jessica's mind she and Suzanne were getting closer. Suzanne felt very differently. She found Jessica to be whinny and annoying.

Monday came around quickly, and Jessica was so excited to wear her new clothes.

She walked into school with a positive attitude, and a smile on her face.

"What.. is this?! Dirty girl got a make over?" Samantha, one of the 'mean girls' said.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that to cover up your ugliness." She laughs.

Jessica ignored Samantha and took her seat.

The bulling didn't stop there. Jessica walked through the cafeteria holding her tray of food. She wanted to try and make it through the entire day without hiding from the bullies, but when she ran into Samantha, it made her regret that decision.

"You know, your style really sucks, bloody pants."

Jessica didn't say a word, instead she bit the inside of her lip and controlled her emotions.

Samantha chuckled and said, "I can tell you're trying really hard not to cry. Do it. Cry! Right here in front of all these people."

Jessica breathed a little heavier as she tried her best to hold in her tears.

Samantha laughed and hit the bottom of Jessica's tray, knocking her food all over her brand new clothes.

The entire room turned and laughed. Jessica gasped and looked around. Her face turned red from embarrassment. She then ran as fast as she could to her safe place; the cleaning closet.

Jessica opened the door and gasped when she saw Edwin.

"I'm sorry Mr. Edwin. I-I.."

"Are you okay?"

Jessica cries. "No. I don't wanna be here. I bought these new clothes so they'd like me.. and then Samantha.. she spilled my food all over me.. I just want to leave!" Jessica sobs.

"No one likes me! My parents didn't like me, my foster family, the kids from school. No one likes me!"

Edwin smiles softly and takes her hand, "I like you, Jessica."

"Mr. Edwin.."

"You look so beautiful in your new clothes." Edwin says inching his body closer to Jessica's.

"Wha.. What are you doing?"

Edwin reaches behind Jessica and locks the door.

"I care about you, Jessica. Do you care about me?"

"Mr. Edwin, you're scaring me." Jessica cries softly.

"Do you care about me, Jessica?"

"Yes.. you let me hang out in here. I said thank you."

"This is what happens when two people care about each other." Edwin leans towards her. His lips almost touching hers.

"No. Please don't!" Jessica pulls away.

"Come on. Jessica, this is normal. We like each other. I really really like you. Seeing you makes my body feel different. Feel." Edwin grabbed Jessica's hand and placed it on his pants.

Jessica pulled her hand away as fear washed over her.

"I'm just a kid!"

Edwin reached into his bag and pulled out a pocket knife. "You scream and I'll kill you."

"Please." Jessica cries. "Please don't do this!"

Edwin had a sick mind, and had been waiting for the perfect moment to put his disgusting plan into action.


Jessica walked home from school. She felt so dirty. She just wanted to get home and scrub her body clean.

When Jessica arrived home she was alone. She walked to the bathroom and turned the water on hot. She stripped down and got in. Jessica sobbed loudly as she scrubbed her skin.

It felt as though it was impossible to get clean. Jessica could still feel Edwin inside of her. She felt so much pain. Jessica wanted to end it all. The one person she thought was on her side only wanted to hurt her as well. Possibly worse than anyone else.

Her safe place was gone.

*** I didn't want to go into too much detail course, but I wanted to show that it happened. I want her backstory to be pretty dark. 😬

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