One more kiss

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Jessica turned to the opened door and felt her chest tighten.

It was her foster parents, the adoptive parents, and the adoption agent.

"Mom." Sarah says. "Kick them out."

"We're not going anywhere.  We're here for our daughter, and these lovely people are here for theirs." Suzanne says.

"What?  No!  Ms. Paulson said I didn't have to do this!" Jessica panics.

"She is not your mother." Suzanne says.

"Neither are you." Jessica says with anger.  She was holding the baby and she didn't want to scare her so she stayed as calm as possible.

"Jessica, you've already signed the adoption papers, she's not your child anymore."

"No I never signed them.  I never signed them!" Jessica nods her head and looks up to Catherine with fear in her eyes.

Jennifer holds up the paper, and Jessica very clearly sees her signature.

"No!  I didn't sign that.  I swear!  They're lying!  This is my baby, please don't take her away from me." Jessica cries and holds her baby to her chest.

"She's our daughter!" Jennifer says.  She too was on the verge of tears.

"Please, you can't do this to me!  I never signed anything!  I don't want to give her away.  I can't!  You have to believe me when I tell you I didn't sign anything!"

"It's right there in writing, Jessica." Suzanne says.

"You're so mean to me.  I didn't sign that.  Please.  Just leave.  Let me stay with a family who loves me.  Mr. and Mrs. Paulson said Isla and I could live with them."

"Margo is ours and she will be leaving with us right now." Jennifer walks closer to Jessica.

Jessica's heart starts pounding.  Danny and Sarah step in and block her from Jessica and the baby.

"You lay a hand on either one of them and I'll bash your face in." Sarah says.

"Little girl, step aside."

"This is her baby.  This isn't fair." Danny says to Jennifer.

"She's MINE!!"

Just then a nurse walks in. "You cannot do this here.  I'm going to have to ask you all to wait outside.  Once Jessica and the baby are released you can do the switch off.  It's not allowed up here."

"Fine.  We'll be waiting for our daughter downstairs." Jennifer says.

Jennifer and Gary leave.

"What did you two do?" Catherine says to Jessica's foster parents.

"The baby's parents contacted us to let us know Jessica has not let them see their baby, so we got the adoption agent involved."

"But you know I didn't sign it, Suzanne.  Why are you doing this?  And Bill!  Why can't you ever do the right thing?  You know, you KNOW I didn't sign those papers."

Bill looks at Jessica and leaves the room.

Jessica starts sobbing. "Why are they doing this to me?  I didn't do anything to them!"

"Sweetie, it's okay." Catherine tries calming her down. "Breathe.  It's okay."

"It's not.  I need my baby.  She needs me too.  They can't do this to me!"

"We won't let them."

"I didn't sign it, I promise.  I would have never signed that!"

"We know, Jess." Danny says. "It's gonna be okay."


The adoption agent came in and spoke with Jessica.  The papers were signed and that meant she had to hand the baby over.  Jessica was completely heartbroken.  Why is this happening?  She had the shortest moment of happiness, and it's over.

Jessica held her baby and cried.

"Do you all mind giving us just a few minutes?" She asked.

"No you take your time, sweetie.  Come on you two." Catherine says leaving the room with Sarah and Danny.

"Thank you.." Jessica looked down and spoke to Isla as she cried. "Isla, I am so sorry.  I wanted to be your mommy more than anything in the world.  I love you.  I love you more than anyone else ever will.

You will always be in my heart.  And I want you to know I'm always with you.  Even if we're apart, I'm there.  Okay?  You'll always have mommy with you.  For the rest of your life.  I'm sorry I won't be there for you.  I'm going to miss out on everything.  I want so badly to raise you.  I'm sorry.  Isla, I am so so sorry."

Jessica held her baby and cried.  She then sang to her and nursed her one last time.

The three came back a while later and Jessica stripped the baby down.

"Look at her tiny diaper." Danny says.

"Heh.  Yeah it's cute.  Even though it's filled with yuck." Jessica scrunches her nose.

Sarah then hands over her clothes. "Here you go, Jess."

"Thank you, Sar.  I bought her this outfit with my allowance money.. Gary and Jennifer wanted her in a certain outfit, but I'm not putting it on her."

"She'll wear her special outfit from her mommy." Catherine says.


Jessica dressed her and took a few pictures with her, and lots of just the baby

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Jessica dressed her and took a few pictures with her, and lots of just the baby.  Then it was time to go.

Jessica held her in her arms and cried as they wheeled her down.

Jessica just kept telling her how much she loved her, and how she'll never forget about her.

Once they were outside Jessica kissed her.  Jennifer tried taking her and Jessica wouldn't let go.

"It's time to let go, Jessica." Bill says.

"I can't.  She's my baby."

Suzanne steps in and takes the baby from Jessica.  She then hands her to Jennifer.

"NO!" Jessica screams.

Isla starts crying.  It was the saddest and loudest little cry.  Hearing it broke Jessica's heart in two.

"I want one more kiss!  Please!  Just one more!"

Jennifer and Gary leave.  Jessica falls to the ground and Danny sits down to comfort her.

She sobs into his chest as he rubs her back.

"I'm so sorry, Jessica."

"I want my baby."

Danny looks up to Catherine with tears in his eyes.  They all felt so useless.  There was absolutely no making this better.

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