I Love You

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28 weeks and 6 days pregnant.

"Hey Jess, Danny and I are going to a haunted house tonight, wanna come?"

"Sarah, I don't think they let pregnant people in those things."

"Oh really? Why?"

"They can scare you into labor? I don't know."

"Well we can do something else." Danny says.

"No, I don't want you changing your plans because of me. Besides, I'm so tired. I think I'll stay in tonight."

"On Halloween?" Sarah says with a shocked expression.

"I've never really celebrated Halloween. Not that I have anything against it at all, but I was just never allowed to go trick or treating, or go to any Halloween parties."

"Seriously?" Danny asks.

Jessica nods.

"Well that's gonna change. Sarah, the haunted house can wait until Jessica isn't pregnant."

"Awe man!" Sarah whines.

"Danny, no." Jessica says. "Please don't change your plans because of me."

"We can't have fun without you, Jess."

"He's right." Sarah agrees.

"After school we're finding Halloween costumes, and tonight we're going trick or treating."

"What?" Jessica laughs.

"Everyone has to go trick or treating once in their life." Danny smiles.

Jessica smiles. Danny made her feel warm inside. You can see he really cares for her as a friend.

"Free candy? I'm in!" Sarah says.


After school the three went to the Halloween store.

"So what do you wanna be, Jessica?" Danny asks.

"Yeah, what do you feel?" Sarah adds.

Jessica sighs deeply. "Like a cow."

"Jess." Danny chuckles. "For real you goof."

"I don't know.. What do you think I should be?"

"It depends. Do you want to be something scary?"

"Hmm.. No."

"You can be a cat."

"This belly in a body suit?"

"You'd look cute!" Sarah says.

"No." Jessica chuckles and nods.

"Well how about a pumpkin?" Danny points to the pumpkin costume.

Jessica giggles. "I think that's perfect."


"I make a cool Sponge Bob, don't you think?" Sarah asks.

"Oh yeah, real cool you dork." Danny says.

"Hey it's better than yours! A football player? Really?"

"Shut up." Danny makes a face.

Just then Jessica walks out.

"Aw Jess, you look so cute!" Sarah says with a smile.

"Thanks." Jessica giggles.

Danny smiles and just stares at Jessica.

"You okay?" Jessica asks him.

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