Chapter 1: Mr. Green

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"Get the fuck up Phoebe." I groaned rolling over and throwing my arm over my head as my shitty roommate yells at me.

  As I sat up a pillow collided with my head. "Now" she yelled.

"Fuck off and get the hell out." I yelled back.

I really wish I had actual friends, and maybe a life? That would be nice too.

Instead, I was thrown into the world right out of foster care without warning. The only thing I got to pick was my job. The roommate thing was setup by my social worker because she thought it'd help me.

I've almost gone to jail twice for beating the shit out of her.

As for my job I decided to go for the thing that would throw money at me the fastest without losing my dignity.


In all honesty I love it. I love my regulars the most. They always tip me good especially the older gentlemen Henry. He says I should get something I like with the money but I always spend it on food or rent money.

Oh shit, my job.

That's why I'm getting up.

I rolled out of bed and walked over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of leggings and a oversized Harley Davidson hoodie I paired them with my combat boots and threw my  long blonde hair into a messy bun before going to the very non- private bathroom.

I found my tooth brush and began brushing my teeth before applying light foundation and some mascara. It's really weird that black mascara makes grey eyes pop but I'm rolling with it.

I'm not self absorbed or self centered by any means but I can truly appreciate the fact I'm comfortable with myself.

After I was done I turned to lock my bedroom door and left.  The drive took about 20 minutes and I'm thankful for the rusted blue Chevy pickup that's managed to get me anywhere I needed for 6 years now.

As I pulled in, I literally face palmed as I parked next to the white mustang.

Great I'm working with Justin.

He so annoying. Thankfully he's the cook so I only have to deal with him briefly here and there but, he should be fired. He hits on any female thing that breathes and isn't ashamed of it.

The funny thing is, he isn't even that cute. Rocking the whole buzz cut because I'm 'hard' look.

Instead of going in around back I slipped in through the front and behind the bar. Miranda the bartender for the shift before mine nodded thankfully and quickly left.

I got the orders for the few customers that were in there and proceeded to tell Henry that I didn't need his money and I'm doing fine on my own. He wasn't having it and tried sneaking it into my purse while I wasn't looking but, I sneaked it back into his hood when I was making my rounds around him.

crazy old man.


Thankfully the night was moving pretty fast even though I was counting the minutes till I was out.

As I was making my way back to the bar from a customers table the door rang and I heard multiple deep voices.

In walked a three men.

They were all wearing suits but without the over jacket and tie. Each of them looked dirty and beaten like they just crawled out of a grave. None the less they were all hot.

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