Chapter 39: Oh Wow

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"Come on Baby Mama wake up."

"Pheebs, you there?"

"Phoebe please?"

"God damn it Phoebe."

"What are you guys on about?" I groaned rubbing my eyes.

"Oh thank the heavens." Hayden sang hugging me.

"Ow." I muttered.

"Sorry Boo." He shrugged before hugging me just as tight and I laughed.

"What happened?" Ethan asked and I carefully looked over to Asher.

"On her last mission with Hayden she seen someone walking out of the bathroom as they left. That someone was Malachai." Asher began.

"She seen him call people and look frantic as he spotted the guys she killed. It was odd for him to be there let alone have those actions so she went under cover. Her date four days ago was a mission to bug his shit." He finished.

"Okay that doesn't tell us what happened to her, according to the text and pictures she was fine." Ethan mentioned.

" on the way home that day I noticed we weren't heading back, when I said something he pistol whipped me out cold. When I won't up I was in a dark cellar room. He kept me there for two days. I only seen him once the first day and only twice the day I escaped. He had another man torture me for whatever reason." I said and all the boys exchanged different looks.

You could see the wheels in their heads turning.

"What else?" Hayden finally asked.

"When I escaped I killed Malachai and the dude who tortured me." I paused and Hayden didn't have any reaction.

"But the men I ran into on my first time trying to escape ended up coming out when they heard the gun shots." I finished.

"Who were they Pheebs?" Asher asked walking over to the bed finally.

"Italians." I shrugged.

The guys once again all exchanged weird glancing before they all simultaneously left.

Of course Hayden gave me a quick. "See ya in a few ma."


"You called my fucking Father?!" I yelled at Asher as we walked out of my hospital room full of Outlaws.

"I thought he should've known." He winced as I slapped him.

"I've had my whole life full of traumas this ones no different he could've gone without knowing." I yelled again.

"I'm sorry Pheebs." Asher sighed rubbing his arm.

"You better fucking be." I hissed as the room opened.

"I'm glad he called me." My father said looking at us.

"It's not your problem." I shrugged pushing past them.

I walked into my room and seen all the men turn to me.

"We were never properly introduced." I smiled as they all straightened their forms.

"I'm Cowboy." A tall man with a handle bar mustache spoke. He wore a cowboy hat and some good riding boots.

"I'm Re-Dial." A shorter muscular blonde man said with a curtsy.

"Cornfed." A taller fatter man with a mustache and beard said.

"Animal." Another guy said. He was real tall with dark hair and bright green eyes. He was dreamy.

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