Chapter 8: Find Her

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                       **PHOEBE'S POV**

When the lights cut out I stupidly jerked away from Asher and when I did so someone grabbed me from behind and held a cloth over my mouth. I didn't breath in. I held my breath and flailed my arms. After a minute I made my body go limp. I knew what chloroform did so I followed. I must be a damn good actress because when I went limp the cloth was pulled away and I was dragged away from the room. The cry's for help beginning to become quieter. The last thing I heard before I was thrown into a room was a very faint "find her."

Once I heard the door close and lock I peeked one eye open to look around. I was in a bedroom. Almost the same setup as mine but just a bed and everything was grey. I slowly stood myself up and grabbed two knives from my strapped thigh. One in each hand.

I got up looking around the room, the door that just locked was in-front of me. It was a basic door lock.

Fucking idiots.

I grabbed two Bobby pin's  from my hair and straightened them both. I slid them both inside the door knob and jiggled them around  until I heard a click.

Thank you foster care.

I slowly picked up my knives and opened the door peaking my head around the corner. There was a guard that immediately locked eyes with me and I gave him a shy smile before lodging my knife into his neck. Blood squirted out onto me and he started chocking on some. As his body went limp I realized that this was my first kill.

I should make it special.

Thinking fast I carved a cross into his forehead and then a K for Knight . I smiled at it before continuing down the long hallway.

I heard yelling and immediately started running towards it but was stopped when I ran into a wall and heard a grunt. 

"Since when do walls make sound?" I muttered rubbing my forehead. I opened my eyes and seen a man going to grab me.


I moved quickly and he tripped over air.

"Come here you little bitch." He yelled trying to grabbed me again.

"Didn't you mom teach you to respect women?" I sneered punching him in his face.

His mouth started to bleed and he spit the blood at my face.

"My mother is the reason I hate women." He sneered punching me in the gut.


"Sad" I said kicking him in the face lodging my heel in his eye. He screamed throwing my foot away from him so I took that as a chance to circle around and stab his chest when he held his eye. He screamed again tripping over once again nothing, falling to the ground.

"Men like you are the reason why I enjoy this." I smiled as his eyes went wide and I jammed my foot into his throat. My heel puncturing his neck and the pressure breaking it.  Once his body stilled I decided to once again carve a cross and a K into his forehead before running off.

I turned down a hallway and seen the main room where I came from. There were many dead bodies and people still crying. I turned when the hallway ended to go to the front door but crashed again.

"What the fuck why are there so many walls?" I groaned looking up. My eyes locked with a familiar set of green ones and I sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god" he breathed out before wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me.


I like this.

No you don't.

He ripped the bottom of my dress and wrapped my legs around his waist before carrying me out of the mansion.

Okay maybe we do..

A lot..

Told you.

He set me down by the car and looked me over.

"Where are you hurt ?" He started panicking. "Why is there so much blood?" He asked trying to look over my whole body and I laughed causing him to stop.

"It's not mine." I smiled and he stared in shock.

"Who's is it?" He questioned and my eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't know I killed them though." I stated smiling again.

"Them?" He choked.

"Yeah two men who took me too some room." I stated.

His eyes flashed again and he looked dangerous but had a soft expression before his eyes flashed with another emotion and he smirked. His arms wrapped around me and he buried his head into my neck.


I slowly hugged him back and then immediately froze as he began talking.

"I'm so fucking glad your safe." He mumbled something at the end but I was to busy thinking of how his lips brushed against my neck when he talked.


I can't.


The ride back home Hayden kept making me relive what happened because he said it's the hottest first kill he's ever heard of. I love him. he's my best friend.

Don't tell him I said that though his egos big enough.

When we got home I showered to get all the blood and makeup off before throwing on another oversized t-shirt and flopping on my bed.

I started reading the book I had on my bedside table when I heard my door open. I look up to see a freshly showered Asher with no shirt on.

Damn him-

-And those green eyes.

Before I could tell him to come in he walked in, closed the door and grabbed one of my pillows and blankets off my bed throwing them to the floor.

"What do you think your doing?" I questioned as he laid down on my floor.

"None of your business, go to bed" he grumbled as I looked over the edge of my bed. He had his eyes shut.

He's sleeping on my floor.

Don't let that happen dummy.


"I don't feel like arguing but if your sleeping in here, your not doing it on my floor." I sighed standing up grabbing my pillow and blanket tossing them back onto the bed.

His eyes shot open and he glared at me.

"Then where else am I suppose to sleep." He said taking the hand I offered him.

"Up here with me." I stated calmly but I was shocked at what the fuck I said.


"Oh" he said his eyes wide.

"Yeah." I said pulling him onto the bed.

I put my book back and shut my lamp off laying down turning to him. We were both on our sides facing each other and I could see his face in the moonlight from the window.

He's so pretty

" Your so pretty " I mumbled and he looked shocked again.

"You are as well Pheebs." He said back.

We stared at each other for awhile and every now and then his eyes would flicker to my lips.

Did I miss some blood?

"Goodnight Pheebs." He said finally closing his eyes.

"Goodnight Ash." I mumbled back watching how pretty he looked as his body relaxed and a soft smiled formed on his lips as he fell asleep.
Authors note:
*insert evil laugh*
   And so it begins...

Word count: 1219

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