Chapter 3: Obsessed

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                         **ASHER'S POV**

  It's been three days since we seen her. Three days since I gave her the offer to live with me and the guys.  To be honest when the words left my mouth I was in utter shock as well. Even though I haven't seen her I've heard her or about her. Hayden's dumb ass already developed an attachment to her so he's called her everyday. Getting attached is something we're not suppose to do but some how this girl has already gotten to us.

And all I can think about is how the fuck it's going to end up.

She surprised me. She's nothing  like I thought she'd be. Looking at her and her stormy grey eyes and long honey blonde hair you would think she's all shy and innocent.

Phoebe is the complete opposite. From the way she handles Hayden and his 'charm' to how she is around Ethan even though he's probably said a total of 3 sentences to her. It's the way she talks and carries herself with confidence. The first remark she made to Hayden surprised me no doubt but then her actions began to be the most surprising thing about her.

How she played that pool game and 'was losing' up until she jumped that ball. She knew what she was doing.

To the way her fist clenched trying not to hit Veronica at our meeting. When V said what she said I wanted to kill her for some reason. I mean I already hated her but saying that to Phoebe made me furious.

Not only that but then she stabbed Hayden in the damn thigh with no remorse or second thought.

That was the hottest thing I've ever witnessed.

Then her knives. When she threw that knife on her bed after realizing she wasn't in danger everything clicked. She may have not grown up in our world and I wouldn't wish this life on anyone but she definitely doesn't belong in the 'normal world'.

After seeing her living conditions and piecing together her actions my brain fought with itself hard. I wanted her to get out of that house. Nobody should live like that. But when she told me she had no where to go I had the perfect plan.

The problem is it's either the best or worst thing I could ever do.

So I asked.

I asked her if she wanted to come live with the guys and I. At that point I haven't even known her a full 48 hours but I trusted the decision with everything in me.

Now here's the thing.

She says no and we continue this normal thing we've been doing.

However, if she says yes that leads to us having to tell her what we do at some point and that could cause something within itself. She accepts us and I move on to further my plan. She freaks out and we'd have to kill her and I don't want to do that. But if she accepts us and I move forward, that might be the riskiest part of everything.

I ask her to join..

She says no, okay whatever.

She says yes and everything changes. I'd personally have the boys or I train her so I know she's strong but then it depends on if she's the best or worst thing to happen to us.

I'm pulled out of my deep thought when my office door flys open and in comes running Hayden.

"She said Yes Bitches!!" He yelled twirling around my office like a little girl. I seriously wonder how he's made it as my second hand man when he's like this.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I groaned rubbing the side of my face while he slammed his hands down on my desk.

"Phoebe she said yes, she wants to come stay with us!" He said excitedly while plopping down on a chair.

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