Chapter 40: Fair Enough

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"How about a beach day?"

"Disagree, every time we have a beach day something tragic happens." I disagreed. Currently us four are sitting in the kitchen figuring out what to do on our day off and the one year anniversary of me being with them.

"Bar night?" Ethan suggested.

"Let's not." Both Hayden and I laughed.

"We gotta figure out something, as it is no matter what we pick might end up with a tragic backstory later on." Ethan groaned as he smacked his hand to his forehead.

"Very true." Hayden agreed.

"I guess we can try for a beach day." I groaned and everyone cheered.

"Everyone go get your hot asses in a bathing suit." Hayden squealed running towards the stairs.

He's such an ass.

After everyone left the kitchen I slowly made my way back up to my bedroom.

I spent about ten minutes going over all the bathing suits until I finally decided on a simple two piece.

The bottoms were a little high waisted but not much and they were black decorated in blue flames. The top was also black but made no sense because it was paired with a simple blue butterfly in the middle. It was still cute.

One I was done I decided to pair them with simple black sunglasses and black flip flops. I let my hair down and of course no makeup was added.

Finally getting myself situated I decided I was good to go.

When I walked downstairs I laughed at the sight before me.

Each of the guys were eyeing each other suspiciously and when they seen me there expressions turned scared.

"Why are we all matching?" Hayden pointed.

I looked at the guys and Ethan was wearing blue swim trunks with a black waist band. Hayden was wearing black swim trunks with a blue waist band.

And then there was Asher .

Asher had on his black swim trunks with blue and white flames. We all matched wether it was color or design.

"Guess it just happened." I shrugged.

"Yeah I guess." Asher laughed.

"Let's go boys." I smiled running out to the Jeep after stealing the towel from Ashers arms.

The guys chased after me and when they reached the car they all groaned and rolled their eyes.

"Fine since you are all babies." I sighed jumping in the back and this time Asher and Hayden fought for the front.

Hayden whacked Asher upside the head with a towel and shoved him and in return Asher through the empty cooler at the back of his head causing Hayden to fall and Asher to get in the front quickly.

After he stood up and brushed himself off Hayden rubbed his head picked up the things he dropped and put them in the trunk.

He climbed in the back with me and stuck his tongue out at Asher.

"That's fine I'll just enjoy my time with Boo." He said swinging his arm over my shoulder and kissing my cheek.

That earned a laugh from everyone except Asher. He just scowled.

While we were driving down the road I had to yell at Ethan to stop at the gas station. When he do dumbly asked why I about through the cooler at his head.

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