Chapter 50: This Is To Easy

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"What do you need us to do?" Gia asked as everyone piled into the room.

"Kill everybody, leave Oliver for last." I said cocking my gun.

"Ready?" Asher asked the rest of them.

They all shook their heads as we slowly walked out. Asher and I took the elevator while the rest took the stairs.

"What are you going to do to him?" Asher asked and I blankly answered.

"Make him feel the pain physically I felt emotionally when he left, being left without a dad, then being betrayed by him." I smiled and Asher visibly stilled.

"Remember be careful." He whispered and I nodded. I reached up and pulled his head down quickly kissing him.

"I love you Asher. I always will." I smiled and he smiled back just as the elevator doors open.

As soon as I turned around I was met with Animal and Cornfed.

"Why are y'all doing this?" I calmly asked as we stepped out of the elevator.

"Power and number." Animal shrugged and Asher laughed humorlessly.

"There will be no power in this for you, if we die you four men will have thousands after you." Asher hissed and the guys shrugged.

"Or they'll realize their leader were weak and we're better." Cornfed said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine let's get this over with." I smiled pulling my gun from my waist band and instantly shooting Cornfed between the eyes successfully killing him.

"Jesus." Animal muttered watching Cornfed fall.

"Your next." I smiled and before he could pull his gun out on me Asher reached out and snapped his neck.

"This is to easy." I laughed as we stepped back into the elevator.

"A little to easy." Asher agreed as we hit the button for the second floor.

When the doors pinged open again we were corrected.

My eyes shot open and Asher's jaw dropped.

The hall was filled with about 15 Outlaws.

Asher looked at me with slight fear as they all aimed their guns at us. I smiled up at him before shooting my gun multiple times without stopping. By the time the clip was emptied and I was hidden behind a maids cart about 6 of them had dropped.

I left Asher in the elevator and made it go up.

He's going to be so pissed but I'm not watching him die.

"Oh little girl, your out of ammo and there is still nine of us." One of the men said and I quietly sighed.
I heard a pair of footsteps walking towards me. I grabbed a knife from under the maids cart and when he got to me I stood up and slit his throat.

Before he could fall I propped him up and used him as a shield. I grabbed the gun from his hand and reached around him to shoot more people.

Because he was so big I could barley seen and hold him up. There was a gunshot heard from behind me and when I looked I seen Hayden.

He smiled and winked at me before shooting more.

After I thought everything was done I dropped the dead guy and within instants Hayden yelled.


When I looked a man was stepping out of a room and shooting repeatedly.

A bullet flew right into my shoulder and I winced in pain before sitting back behind the cart.

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