Chapter 2: No You Choked

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I was woken up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned as I opened my eyes only to immediately shut them when the sun hit. I smacked my hand around my table feeling for my phone. When I got it I unplugged it from its charger and tapped the screen till the answer button was clicked.

"Hello?" I questioned grogginess lacing my voice.

"Hey Darling, I was wondering when you went into work today." He spoke cheerfully and the sound of other men in the background.

"You woke me the fuck up for this?" I hissed sitting up rubbing my eyes.

"Woke you up? Phoebe it's 5pm." He said obviously confused.

" FUCK IT'S 5!?" I yelled loudly rushing to my dresser.

"Yeah" he chuckled "I'm guessing you over slept?" He questioned again.

"Yes, I over slept dip shit I need to be to the bar in 30 mins and I'm not even dressed." I retorted grabbing a pair of black ripped jeans.

"I'm headed there now anyway I gotta meet someone, need a ride.?" He offered it was clear he wiggled his eyebrows at the last part. You don't need to see him to know that.

"No my truck is just fine thank you." I was being rude, but I was tired and late. I grabbed a dark green long sleeved cropped shirt and threw the clothes on along with my combat boots.

"That was your truck?" He said with surprise.

" The 1982 Blue Chevy Lifted square body with rust? Yes, yes it was." I nodded running to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Thats hot" was all he said and I wish I could smack him.

After brushing my teeth I brushed my hair and braided it into one loose over the shoulder braid.

"Alrighty can I go now?" I asked locking back up my bedroom door and heading outside.

"No, your voice is pretty." He said and I rolled my eyes. Before I could say anything in the background I heard a smack and Hayden whining "ow".

"Stop flirting with the damn bartender and pay attention to the road." A deep voice came from the background. I laughed as I got into my truck.

I turned the key over the motor wouldn't start.

"Fuck, fuck no" I whined.

I tried again and it only made a screeching noise.

"FUCK" I screamed punching the steering wheel.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" Shit I'm still on the phone. I groaned as I brought it back up to my ear.

"About that ride...." I trailed off and gave him my address. I really didn't want to do that because there strangers. It's crazy I'm even talking to them but it just kinda happened. It's weird how natural it feels to talk to them. All of them.


   Not even 10 minutes goes by and the same Lambo from yesterday pulls up. The window slowly rolls down and it reveals a very smiley Hayden with an even amused Asher. I got into the back and there was Ethan. He nodded once at me and I nodded back turning to the others.

"Hello boys" I smiled and Hayden was already turning around. He kissed the palm of his hand before smacking me upside the head.

Fucking cunt.

"Hello gorgeous." He smiled turning back around and Asher was slightly chuckling shaking his head.


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