Chapter 18: Simply Breath Taking

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I was told they were going to meet me at the front entry. I swear this just better be because she was late getting ready. This ball is going to be the biggest one yet and the leader is a sick fuck. Every year he throws his annual ball and every time he has us do some form of demented mission within the wall. Even though this is the Russian mafias ball we are still in the United States. Rhode Island to be exact and it's colder than shit.

Im pulled out of thought when a car door slams and my head whips to see Ethan getting out and Hayden already by the back door help Phoebe out.

When she stands to her full height and straightens her dress the wind feels like it's been knocked out of me. By now I should be use to her having this affect on me especially since it happens every time I see her even when she first wakes up and is hurdling a knife into my shoulder.

Her dress is her favorite color. Dark emerald green. I curse at her internally for not having a jacket on because her dress is a short sleeved off the shoulder one. The top is a really dark green sparkly laced corset top with a really low v- neck and at her hips the dress poofs out. There lays different shades and materials of green still a deep emerald but the front of the dress is also sparkly and has a laced pattern.

Her new colored hair is wavy and neat but still let down and her makeup is a dark Smokey eye with a dark green lip.

She was simply breath taking.

I'm glad the guys sent me a picture of the color dress because I'm wearing a dark emerald green bottom up of course the sleeve are rolled and the top two buttons are undone with black slacks and shoes. My hair has been left alone today.

The boys are wearing the same thing as me but all black.

When her eyes find my I see a smile form on her lips. She picks up the pace and so do the boys.

Soon enough she's stopping right next to me and linking her arm and mine. When I look down I smile brightly at the fact she didn't try and his the top of the scar the now proudly sits on her chests and trails down in between her breasts. You can honestly see a lot of it but she doesn't mind.

When we were talking about it she said " it's makes me happy knowing I've been marked by you."

That comment made my heart jump into my throat. I'm really starting to like her a lot like she's all I think about most of the time especially after that night.

It's been a few weeks but after that night we've stolen a few kisses and have been with each other more. She even traded sleeping in Hayden's room with mine.

At first when they started doing that it made me a little jealous but he's my best friend and no matter how many jokes he's made about me "stealing his girl" he said he knows my feelings and he would never step in the way.

That's why I love him.

"Hello Mr. Williams." I'm greeted by Svetlana the Russian mafia queen.

"Hello Svet." I smile and she nods heading on her way.

We make our way into the main hall just as Viktor is testing the mic. When he clears his throat everyone freezes.

"Tonight more than just the queen and king of each mafia has came. Every mafia here has brought at least one extra person." The mans deep Russian accent booms through the hall and everyone's stare is fixed on him.

I look down at Phoebe to see her standing tall and with much power behind her. Not a single ounce a fear has been detected on her. It's hot.

"Tonight's mission is the following: each mafia will be paired with another. After you get the other mafia your paired with you must fight against each other in the middle of this hall. Everyone will take turns and one mafia doesn't win till everyone else on the opponents team is dead. Then and only then will you be freed to leave. " he finishes and I hear whispers wrack the whole hall. I look over to the boys and each have slight worry in there eyes but when I look into the beautiful grey eyes I've grown to care for she is holding determination and power in hers.

"We can do this." She says.

I nod in response. We were informed we have 6 minutes until the first pairing and the first thing Phoebe did was grab my hand and drag me to the bathroom. Once we're in she locks the door before looking at me.

"I'm going to need your help." She smiles and I laugh at her cute dimple that's pulsing as she try to hold it in.

"With what beautiful?" I ask and she point to her dress.

"I need you to go under my dress and grab my knives from my thigh." She deadpans and I smirk.

I nod my head and get down on my knees before pulling her dress up. There's so much my hand can't hold it and the dress keeps falling so I do the next best thing. I put the bottom of the dress over my head to hold it up as I unbuckle the thigh holster. I see she's wearing the hostler Ethan got her. I chuckle slightly at the fact she has bikers shorts on
before standing up and helping her strap the knives to her arm.

"Thanks Ash." She smiles brightly as she grabs a knife and cuts off the bottom of her dress so it's now just below her knees. When I look down I laugh at her shoe choice.

Her black high top converse.

"Always gotta be prepared." She shrugs and we run out and down the hall.

As we reach the boys the first fights coming into view and it's ruthless one man has a heel sticking out of his head as he's still fighting.

"Did you get who we're fighting?" I ask Hayden and he nods.

"The Canadians." He chuckled and I laugh too.

The Canadians currently have 8 people here. Four more than our four people so it's going to be two on one. The thing is they can't fight for shit. All of them are visibly nervous and sweating over in the corner.

I also have no problem killing them seeings how back in the day Angelic the Donna cheated on me with Matthew the Don.


It's been four rounds and four families have left while four more have been pushed onto a pile of bodies in the corner of the room. So much blood has gone anywhere that even I'm covered and blood and I haven't touch a single person yet.

As the last family is cleared of the floor Viktors voice booms again.

"Canadians and Americans." He smiles and everyone gasps at the people difference. Someone even patted me on the shoulder and told me they loved me and they be at my funeral. I laughed it off.

As we made our way to the middle of the floor the Canadians were already sizing each other up. Angelic was death staring Phoebe as Matthew was glaring daggers at me.

Hayden and Ethan were already in a ready stance with four men my size looking like they were gonna rip there heads off. The last two were behind everyone not really paying attention.




And with that we began.

Authors note: this is very clearly part one and I'm going to warn you now the next chapter might be very very short and I mean might not even make it to a thousand words. I still hope you like it though.

Word count: 1350

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