Chapter 4: Is That All?

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                       ** PHOEBE'S POV**

  As I poked my head around the two idiots I smiled and waved at him.

"Hi Ash." I said while he stood there with a gun in his hands.

There was a weird look that passed through his eyes before he shook it away.

"Hey Pheebs." He said staring at me and I took that as my chance to stare back. The other two were shirtless and in shorts and sweats but Asher. He had a white tank on and black sweats. I'd be lying if I said he isn't the hottest person I've ever met.

His perfectly sculpted arms and chest were on full display and I almost drooled literally. His tattoos were so random but beautiful and I could tell each one probably had a good meaning or story behind it. He has a lot of story's: he's covered.

I think my favorite it the little cartoon Angel one his neck.

Oh my shit he's so pretty.

His hair was lazily all over his face and the tired look made him even hotter.

I didn't know that was possible.

I was pulled out of thought when another voice cleared and Asher and I both snapped our heads towards Hayden.

"Follow me Hot stuff." He said holding out his hand for me and I rolled my eyes shoving him foward.

He brought be too a big room. It was beautiful.
Designed in a dark emerald green, gold and black. It had a vanity, a walk in closet and a bathroom. Everything was fully stocked and my one suit case seems to be so un important.

"What the fuck did I tell you Wright?" I sneered looking at him. He visibly gulped before shyly shrugging.

"I don't know." He whispered with a guilty smile. So just as promised I pulled the knife from the side of my boot and sent it flying into his other thigh.

"Fuck" he groaned ripping it out. "Your the hottest woman I know." He teased as he limped out of the room to let me settle in.

"Better be!" I called quickly after him.

I turned around and went straight to the closet. It was filled. Anything from simple shorts and tank tops to high class really expensive dresses.

No idea why I would need those.

Then again I now live in a fucking mansion .

My little ole' truck looked so out of place in the drive way.

I love it

I walk out and then go to the bathroom. The same color theme and he had multiple hair, face, and skin products on the counter. There was even two boxes of each size and brand of tampon.

I laughed quite loudly at that it was so cute. When I walked out to my room again I screamed at the sudden presences of Ash.

"H-hey" I choked out catching my breathe trying to calm my breathing that scared me.

"We gotta talk Pheebs." He said seriously and a frown appeared on my face.

"Oh" I said sitting next to him on my bed.

"What I'm about to tell you is important for your safety now the you live with us." He started and I got a little anxious chewing on my bottom lip. I nodded for him to continue and he did.

"Our jobs, they aren't normal ones phoebe." He said and I nodded again not knowing how else to respond.

" Hayden, Ethan and I.." he started

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