Chapter 46: This Is It Guys

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"You look beautiful darling." Antonio greeted as we entered the main hall.

"As do you Ant." I smiled as he twirled me around.

If you haven't guessed we're at the ball.

It's a little different though the only people I've seen are the Russian, Spanish, Italian, and European Mafia.

I was surprised to here that the European don I killed did have an heir. That didn't make me feel as bad.

We arrived about five minutes ago. All day we've been running around crazy even on the plane ride over here we were all busy doing something.

"My men have there rules for what to do." He whispered in my ear as he dipped me.

I laughed playing it off as if he was being regular old Ant because Viktor has been sneezing glances at us.

He doesn't know we figured out that it was the Russians who blew up our shit. He's under the assumption we think it's the Italians.

"Thank you Ant." I winked

"The pleasure is mine darling." He said Bowing slightly as I stood up.

"What was that about?" Asher asked as he handed me my drink.

"Just telling me that he did what I asked him to do." I smiled and Asher nodded.

"He's watching you like a hawk." Asher mumbled as Viktor moves to get a better view of us from the other side of the room.

"Good. I want him to see who's responsible before he dies." I said in a hushed tone as men walked past us.

Asher chuckled with a slight eye roll before Lexa and Gia walk over too us.

"Hey babe." Gia smiled kissing my cheek.

"What's up beautiful." Lexa said kissing my other one.

"Hey girls." I smiled pulling them both in for a group hug.

"I'm so sad you guys are leaving after to night." I sighed honestly and they looked at each other and then Asher.

"About that." Lexa giggled

"Asher." Gia demanded turning towards him.

"Hm?" He hummed looking at her instead of the crowd.

"You have two new permanent roommates. If you don't like it you can move." Gia deadpanned and my smile grew and Asher looked shocked.

I hugged the both of them and flipped Asher off as he glared at me.

"Whatever" he mumbled walking towards the group.

After another hour the music finally cut out.

"Ladies and gentlemen please make way to your own mafia." Svetlana said from the top of the states.

I looked at Gia and Lexa then headed over to everyone else.

"This is it guys." Gia mumbled.

They all shook their heads.

"Get ready for anything, even to die. Be alert and have your weapons ready to grab." I said under my breath and they all nodded once again.

We watched as Viktor made his way up the stairs and I grabbed my knife from the hidden pocket in my dress.

Gia did the same.

"Alright people, now what you've all been waiting for." He began and Gia and I got ready with our knives.

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