Chapter 34: No Love, Your Just Damaged

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Hayden and I haven't left my room. We have refused every knock on the door and I called Rick and paid him 500$ just to bring me a mini fridge, a microwave a skillet with two burners and a shit ton of food.

Hayden built a little counter and cupboard set up weeks ago that was meant for a work and supplies space but this seems to be a better fit.

Now we're watching The Vampire Diaries and eating Ice cream.

"What did we do to deserve that ? Both our exes sleeping with each other. That's fucked up." Hayden sighed putting his ice cream down.

"I don't know but I promise you if I so much as hear her voice I will storm out of this room and snap her neck. She's no friend of mine." I seethed bending my spoon.

"No balls." Hayden deadpanned and I lightly laughed at him.

"You know, your the bon bon to my Damon." He smiled pulling me closer to him.

"I would take that as the highest of compliments but they hated each other at first." I laughed pointing out that minor detail to Hayden.

"I mean you still stab me so close enough." He said pointing to one of many scars on his thigh.

"Fair enough." I laughed rolling off my bed.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

"To get dressed and leave. Wanna come?" I asked and he nodded.

"We need a door connecting our rooms so I don't have to go into the hallway without you." He whined unlocking my door.

"Then build one." I suggested rummaging through my closet.

Once he left I picked out a light pink long sleeved crop top that cut down my chest and tied in the front. I paired it with a pair of white underwear the ones that sit high on your hips.

I forget what their called.

And a pair of baggy mom, very distressed jeans. They sat perfect under my hips and I zipped the up but purposely left the button undone. Then I threw on a pair of black and white Nike high tops and fluffed my hair out.

I waited by the door for Hayden's knock before I opened it and walked out.

As we walked down the stairs right before we got to the front door we were cut off.

"Can we talk to you?" Her stupidly annoying voice rang through my ears.

"I'm not turning around. And if you talk again I will rip your throat out with my bare fucking teeth." I hissed opening the door and leaving.

Hayden followed after me before yelling 'yeah what she said.'


"That's really shitty I'm so sorry." His voice spoke over the phone.

"Yeah I don't even know how I'm processing." I said.

It's been a few hours since we've been home. Hayden took the risky route and decided to play pool downstairs with Ethan.

However I've been on the phone with Kai for Two hours. He's pretty funny. Much like Hayden.

"How about we get your mind off it. What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked and I laughed.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I teased and hung up.

Kai 5:24pm:

How rude!

Me 5:25pm:

Deal with it 🥸

Kai 5:25pm:

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