Chapter 36: Bingo

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"You kissed my cousin!" Hayden yelled as we ran around the track together.

"Yeah." I laughed as I sped up past him.

"No missy your not getting out of this!" He yelled tackling me from behind.

"Ow you asshole." I yelled pushing him off me.

"No, tell me what happened!" He demanded pinning me down again.

"We just kissed, that's it." I said bucking him off me with my hips the getting on top of him.

"What kind of kiss?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"One like this." I said and smashed my lips onto his.

After I pulled away he looked at me in shock.

"Hey man, don't make me think your a whore." He laughed kissing my cheek and pushing me off him.

"Only your whore." I winked standing up with him.

He laughed and swung his arm around my shoulders as we walked towards the exit.

"Hey Rick." I smiled as we walked past him.

"Hey Ma." He teased.

"Watch it." I snapped as he laughed.

"You seem to be getting better." Hayden said as he opened the door for me.

"I'm just feeling alive." I said buckling my seatbelt.

"I mean I hope." He laughed getting into his side.

"Slushees?" I asked

"Slushees!" He agreed.


"Bella... Attack." I whispered to her and she lunged forward and bit the orange in front of us.

"Good girl." I smiled

Bella and I did a few more rounds of her sneak attack skills then I put her in her tank. Like usual I gave her a rat and she happily killed it.

The rest of the night is going to get interesting. I was assigned to go on a mission with Hayden.

We have to bust a meeting at a local diner. I'm not pleased because it's the same diner Asher and I went to.

Asher demanded I wore something that men would be distracted by because it's not a private meeting while Hayden slowly got people to leave.

So I'm deciding to go with a tied up guns and roses t-shirt and a miniskirt with a slit. I also added hoop earrings to go with my black pointed toe boots.

Probably not distracting enough but I don't give a fuck what Asher says. I'm going in to kill not look like a hooker.

Walking into my closet I pulled my clothes off and threw on my Lacey black under wear set then got dressed.

When I was done I put on light makeup which was just mascara and lip gloss.

I've decided to bring Bella. See how well her attacking skills are on humans.

I put her in a Purse and kept the side unzipped.

"Ready?" Hayden asked peeking his head in.

"Yeah let's go." I said following him out to the car.


"There's only two people attending this meeting so attention won't be drawn to them. There's only two tables currently occupied.
You will go over to the men and create a slight distraction so I can tell the two tables to leave." Hayden went over the plan as we walked up to the door.

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