Chapter 43: Get Out Weirdo

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Today I train my first group. Believe it or not I'm actually excited.

I get free range to yell at and hit people who wouldn't love that?

Today I have a very tight emerald green sports bra on with just as tight black biker shorts but they make my ass look good so I deal with them.

I had Hayden braid my hair in two Dutch braids so I could eat before I left.

He enjoyed it a little to much.

The guys aren't joining me today the only guy I'm use to will be Rick. Tyler will be there as well but we haven't had the best of moments together. Ryan is taking another day to recover from embarrassment.

Now I'm in my truck outside of the pit going over the list of people in my head.

Gia, Lexa, Rick, Tyler, Jared, and a new guy who's name is Travis.

So many people oh my lord.

Get use to it we love them

Oh I know.

Anyway, as I make my way into the pit I'm greeted by a very smiley Rick.

Note the sarcasm.

He nods his head at me and as I walk past him he closes and locks the door than follows.

His long strides catch him up to me pretty quickly and once he's at my side he speaks.

"Everyone's already here boss." He said in a blank tone.

I scoffed, rolled my eyes, stopped in my tracks and as he turned to look at me I smacked him across the face.

As his eyes opened in surprise I shook my head.

"I'm not your boss, I'm pipsqueak or Phoebe." I said in a demanding tone.

"Phoebe, Asher told us all to respect you and address you as your in a higher roll then him." He said.

"We'll I'm not him and if he's wants you to treat me like I'm above him then you'll listen to me and not him fuck face." I said in a 'duh' tone and he chuckled.

"Alright." He smiled and I began walking toward pointing.

"On to hit people mighty orphan!" I said in a determined voice and he laughed.


"Alright losers gather up." I yelled and everyone stopped running on the track and came towards me.

"Since you all proved you can run and your stamina is better than Hayden's it's on to sparring." I cheered and everyone laughed.

"When I say your name and the person your paired with please go on to one of the grouped Matt's places around the room." I said again and they all nodded.

"Rick your with Lexa." I said and she smiled.

"Looks like we're a good pair." She said patting his shoulder, referring to our chicken fight.

"Gia and Travis will be another pair." I said and Travis visibly relaxed.

Poor guys less scared.

I'd be more scared.

"And lastly Jared your with Tyler!" I said and he nodded. Tyler rolled his eyes and I gave him a look that said 'get over it.'

"Now fucking fight losers." I yelled and Gia immediately kicked Travis in the face.

We all laughed as I had to go over and help him out.


"What am I missing?" His deep voice said as arms wrapped around my waist.

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