Chapter 23: Im A Pretty Good Shot

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"Come on guys we have to" Hayden whined

"Why do we have to." Asher said.

"Because it'll be fun asshole." Ethan argued.

"I'm in" I smiled

"In your bitch ass face!" Hayden exclaimed jumping up and ripping me away from Asher hugging me.

We all laughed as Asher scowled at us.

"Going back to Phoebes bar is bad luck, what if we're stuck with another scary person again." He commented.

My jaw dropped and I turned on my heels dramatically and walked upstairs. The last thing I heard was Asher's voice roaring. ' hit me again you won't have a fucking hand.' Then Hayden yelling ' don't be fucking rude to my baby mama'. I lightly giggled and went to get dressed.

Ethan And Hayden brought up the option to go to the bar we all me at on free day and I'm totally down. I more would like to see who my replacement is.

I showered earlier so that should be covered.

Walking to my closet I pull out a matching black lacy underwear set, black biker shorts, a white tight turtle neck long sleeve, a huge over sized nirvana t-shirt, white socks and my combat boots.

After getting dressed I decide to do two dutch braids in my hair and walk down to the boys.

"Ready." I smiled and they laughed.

"Looking hot ma." Hayden said hugging me before walking out the front door.

We all followed and got in Ethan's jeep.


"Hey y'all what can I get for you?" A brown haired girl about my height asked.

She's pretty and she seems fun.

"We'll start off with some jack." Asher says and when she looks at him she doesn't swoon and I thank god for that.

"Is that all hunny?" She asked and its clear her accent isn't from here but still southern.

"No that's all" Hayden smiled shyly and I about passed the fuck out.

Hayden being shy.

Oh my god he thinks she's pretty.

It's taking everything in me not to squeal.

I look at Ethan then at Asher and they both looked dumb founded. So this must be it huh?

Guess we are taking another chick home with us.

And I know just the way to do it.


"Ash we have to!" I whined and he stared at me blankly.

"Why do you want to reveal who we are and take this poor girl?" He questioned.

"I need a girl friend all you boys get boring" I argued.

"That's a lie you hate your own gender." He deadpans

"Right but she seems like friend material! She doesn't seem snobby her presence is the same way I present myself!" I yelled and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine but your doing it." He groaned leaving the bathroom.


And just like that our night followed the same path it did when I first met the boys.


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