Chapter 43: What Are You Gonna Do?? Stab Your Subconscious?

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I really want pizza

Actually scratch that I want French fries.

Maybe a slushee.

"What are you thinking about?" Asher asked as we loaded our stuff up.

Its Sunday night and our bender has sadly come to an end.

It should've ended Friday when Ryan and Jared got so drunk and flashed everybody in the process of hooking up.

Now we know Ryan's not so secret anymore.

I was right when we first met on how he doesn't get any girls.


But before that it should've ended the day after Asher and I won the chicken fight because Cowboy broke his wrist thinking he could successfully jump off the truck while drunk into a perfect hand stand.

Hell even stopping yesterday after Ethan threw up on me would've been perfect.

"French fries and slushees." I sighed deciding to answer.

"Want to get some on the way home?" He asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder and I gave him a 'duh' look.

He laughed as he added the last few things into the trunk.

I said my goodbyes to Gia and Lexa promising they'll see more of me while saying a quick goodbye to the other too. Their not bad but I didn't click with them like I did Lexa and Gia.

After the girls drove off with Jared and a Richard I said goodbye to the Outlaws. Thanking them for this awesome week and how I'm glad I now have them in my life.

Finally once they were done I said goodbye to the rest of the guys before very slowly making my way to the Jeep. I didn't even nothing jumping up from I climbed in the back and soon did the guys.

Hayden sat up front, of course Ethan drove and Asher sat in the back.

I smiled at him tiredly as I laid down on his lap.

"If y'all don't have a slushee and French fries for me when I wake up someone's getting stabbed." I deadpanned and soon fell asleep while Asher played with my hair.


"Pheebs, wake up." Asher whispered shaking me gently.

I groaned and rolled over.

"Phoebe get your ass up right now." Hayden demanded.

I shot up and punch him in the face.

"What the fuck." He groaned rubbing his nose with his forearm. After a minute my eyes adjusted and he held out a large slushee and fry.

"Here you psycho bitch." He added with a laugh and I immediately smiled.

"Thanks bean." I smiled standing up and kissing his cheek.

Asher laughed as Ethan walked in the room.

"Wait when did I get inside?" I questioned noticing I just got off the couch.

"About an hour ago, Asher had to carry you in here because you were sleeping like a rock." Ethan said walking past us and to the kitchen.

"Oh." I mumbled chewing on a French fry.

After that we all kind of parted our own ways. Hayden and Asher had to go deal with some stuff in the office, I haven't seen Ethan since he went to the kitchen so now I'm up in my room.

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