Chapter 17: 2 hours and 89 stitches

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I began to wake up to the sound of metal scrapping together. When I opened my eyes I seen Asher sitting up eating a bowl of cereal with one hand while the other was rubbing my thigh. I sat up myself smiling and looked over towards him.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiles setting his bowl on the night stand.

"Morning Handsome." I smiled as he leaned over and pecked my lips.

I don't regret last night at all and as I'm sitting here right now I feel an overwhelming amount of happiness.

But just like it came my peaceful morning came crashing down.

"Put clothes on assholes!" Was heard from behind the door as it was kicked open.

Seconds later Hayden comes rushing in with Ethan behind him. Both men had there hands on there hips. And I almost laughed at the sight.

"Get the fuck out" Asher grumbled turning over and burying his head into the pillow.

"No! I do not go to bed early and my best friend fucks my baby mama." Hayden yells sternly as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bed.

Thank god Ashers shirts are so big because if they weren't everyone would've just seen what I got going on underneath since I never put underwear or pants back on.

As Hayden's pulling me out of the room I feel a sting run through my body again. I grab my torso and stop as Hayden looks back at me.

"What's wrong Boat?" Hayden asks and I head towards my room.

"I gotta take a shower." I mumbled before closing my door.

I take Ashers shirt off carefully as everything on me aches I turn to my mirror and see why.

I completely forgot how far that got last night. I'm not mad though I found myself lightly tracing over the long deep cut trailing from my chest and not stoping till it reached my upper thigh with a smile on my face.

Slowly but surely I turn the shower on and slowly get in as a rush a pain racks through my body as the water hits the from of me. I push away the pain long enough to wash my hair and my body carefully. However when the shampoo dropped and I went to catch it my cut ripped itself open and blood came rushing down my body as I screamed.

"ASHER!" I screamed as loud as I could and moments later he came rushing in the bathroom.

"What what's wrong?!" He asked worriedly.

"Give me a towel quick!" I cried out and the next thing I know the shower curtain was being ripped open.

He handed me the towel and I pressed it against my body shutting the water off. Asher picked me up and placed me on the sink.

"I didn't know I got you that good." He stated grabbing a first aid kit from under my sink.

"You didn't" I laughed "it was when I arched my back into it." I finished and he smirked threading a needle.

"This is probably going to hurt a lot and take a while." He said sadly and I nodded my head.


2 hours and 89 stitches later After Asher helped me put some loose clothes on I'm now sitting on my bed watching 'Santa Clarita Diet' on Netflix and eating the plate of food Ethan brought me.

Tonight was Hayden's night to cook and he made pork chops, corn, mashed potatoes and green beans. He's honestly the best cook out of the guys but don't tell them I said that.

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