Chapter 25: You're Dismissed

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"Training with you is way better than training with the boys. You can keep up." I smiled to Rose as we walked out of the pit.

"Oh really?" She asked surprises.

"Yeah I always out run them. Even though I out ran you you still kept in longer." I smiled waving towards Rick.

"Later pip-squeak" he called out.

"Later Orphan" I threw over my shoulder.

Rose gave me a questioning look and I waved it if with a laugh.

We were in my truck my beautiful baby and we were headed to the gas station.

"This isn't the way home." Rose pointed out.

"Yeah, rule number one whenever we're out and your with me I will pay the extra ten dollars in gas to detour for some slushees." I said.

"Makes sense." She answered.


"Boys!" I shouted from the kitchen and within seconds footsteps were heard coming from all different directions.

Surprisingly they all made it at the same time in different door ways then glared at each other. Asher came and wrapped his arms around my waist as I still stood at the counter.

"Okay one Blue raspberry for Ethan." I smiled handing him a slushee.

"One coco cola blue raz mix for Hayden." I said cringing. It's so gross but his favorite. I found it cute Rose did the same thing but with cherry.

"Your dismissed." I said and everyone's eyes flashed behind me and my jaw dropped.

"You forgot about me?" I heard a quite playful whisper.

"I'm so sorry love." I said reaching down to my purse. Grabbing out his drink.

"But I thought you'd like chocolate milk better." I finished.

His eyes lit up and he pecked my lips.

"Your the best." He smiled walking past the boys teasing them.

"That was so fucking cute!" Hayden awed and I glared at him "Asher and phoebe sitting in the tree k-I-s - Holy fuck man ow!" He cut himself off gripping the knife now in his shoulder out.

Rose gasped but I was still glaring at Hayden who pressed a towel against his arm.

"W- why would you do that?" She stuttered out.

"She's done it since she's got here. It stopped for a minute but I guess that's back. We've all been at Hayden's end of the knife before." Ethan said nonchalantly.

"I might get stabbed?" She asked.

"Honey here you might get killed I'll only toughen you up." I smiled taking a big drink out of my slushee.

"Wanna watch a movie guys?" Ethan asked and before we could answer everyone's phones rang.

Viktor 5:49pm:
You are invited to join us for another wonderful ball. Hope you Americans can be there;)

Groans were heard throughout the room.

"Did you guys get it too?" I asked and they all shook there head.

"I got the details." Asher said and we turned to him.

"Red and Black themed and it starts at 2pm tomorrow." He said rolling his eyes.

"Will there be another game of his ?" I asked.

"Yeah so we're flying to Russia tonight and we will all train as soon as we land." Asher said affirmatively and I groaned.

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