Chapter 30: Thats A Promise

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"Babe, are you okay?" Rose asked after dinner.

"Yeah I'm completely fine." I said putting away the last dish.

"That was a lot." She said hinting towards the whole McKayla incident.

I found out her name.

Sadly she's not dead and she's in Ashers room while he cleans her up. He never even came down to eat.

Ricks been called to block Ashers door so I don't go in there and kill her.

I'm still gonna do it.

"I'll be fine." I smiled.

She headed towards the basement where Ethan and Hayden were.

I slowly walked up the stairs and before I turned down the hall started running.

"Rick, Rick." I yelled.

His eyes lit up in worry and asked me what was wrong.

"Something's wrong with Hayden he's in the basement I need you and Asher." I said faking being out of breath.

He banged on Ashers door.

"Ash, Hayden needs us let's go." Ricks voice boomed and within seconds they were flying down the hall.

When they were out of sight I went to open the door but it was locked.

"Fuck." I groaned sliding down the wall.

After a few minutes his door opened and Mckayla came walking out.

She didn't see me on the floor and she tripped over me.

"Watch where your going skank." I seethed and her eyes turned dark.

"No I think I'm good." She said and kicked me.

I stood up and her fist was already flying towards my face.

When it came in contact I laughed.

"You hit like a girl."I spit.

"And you don't?" She pointed.

"Baby I never really hit you." I smiled and she stepped forward looking up at me.

"Is that a threat?" She hissed.

Without warning a pulled my head back and with as much strength I could muster I sent it flying into her nose. She fell backwards unconscious and I bent down next to her.

"No darling it was a promise." I said and quickly snapped her neck.

When I looked up everyone was at the end of the hall watching.

"You guys are staring why?" I asked.

"You killed her." Asher whispered.

"Yeah." I said.

"If I knew you were crazy jealous I wouldn't have ever been with you." He laughed humorlessly and my eyebrows cocked in disgust.

"Listen here right now Williams. You are worth nobody's death or my jealousy. I couldn't give two shits about who she was. I cared about what she did fully knowing you were mine. If she didn't know I wouldn't have done that. Her mouth and actions cost her her life. Not some pathetic tie to you." I spit walking past him.

Without another word and ignoring all the knocks on my door, the text and calls from my phone, and the papers under the door I went to sleep. After all we got a busy to do.


"That's the plan guys got it?" Asher questioned turning from the board.

"Yes sir." I smiled and he glared at me.

"Then you may leave." He said and everyone got up to leave. "Except you Phoebe."

God damn it.

I scoffed rolling my eyes and didn't turn around till the last person was out the door.

"What's your problem?" He questioned.

"Oh you have some nerve." I laughed.

"What's my problem? What's my fucking problem? Really Asher! What's your problem? Ever since the meeting yesterday you've been nothing but rude and cold to me. Not even the meeting all day yesterday even before it. I did nothing to you! I missed one detail so I asked you to explain it again and you went the fuck off!" I yelled pumping my fist to keep from hitting him.

He stayed silent.

"What no cocky or shitty ass response now huh tough guy?" I laughed again.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Shove it, I don't let men treat me like shit for no reason." I said turning to leave.

Before my hand grabbed the knob he shouted.

"I love you."

My heart stopped and I felt like I was going to puke.

"Doesn't seem like it." I said opening the door and leaving.

I walked down the hall and straight to Ethan's room. I don't know why I'm coming here instead of Hayden but I felt like it.

I startled him he was at his desk drawing something.

With tears in my eyes I climbed on his bed and hugged a pillow to me.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" He asked coming and sitting next to me.

He put and arm around me and pulled me into him.

"Asher." I whispered.

"What about him?" Ethan asked.

"He j- just he just told me he loved me." I cried harder and Ethan stilled.

"What?" He asked shocked.

"I fucking hate him Ethan. How are you just gonna treat someone like shit for no reasons then say you love them?" I asked more to myself.

"I don't even believe it, it was probably just something to say to shut me up he doesn't love me. If he didn't he wouldn't treat me like this." I continued.

"Oh Pheebs I'm so sorry." He said rubbing my arm.

"You can stay here as long as you need." He finished making room for me on his bed.

"Thanks E. I don't know what I'd do without you." I said laying down.

He shut the lights off and put on a movie before crawling in next to me.

"We gotta get some sleep, we have the busy tomorrow." He whispered.

"I know." I sighed and I laid on my stomach and he began to rub my back.

"Don't let this effect you tomorrow kid." He laughed and I smiled to myself.

"Kick some ass." I said and soon enough I was falling asleep to the sound of the movie playing and the motions of Ethan's hand on my back.

Fuck today.


I don't know what to do.


This is getting so hard.

Especially with her in here like this right now.

Everyday, every moment we spend together, every time we get closer it gets harder and harder for me to keep it in.

When I make her smile I so desperately just want to kiss those pink plump lips of hers.

Every time she laughs I wish I could record it so I never forget the sound.

I don't know if Asher meant it or not because these past few days he hasn't been himself. However I know I am undeniably, and utterly in love with this girl.

I love Phoebe Knight.

But that must stay my one biggest secret.


Authors note:

Again SHORTER CHAPTER sorry:/ but I like leaving you guys with little cliffys.

Word count: 1126

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