Chapter 26: Bye Bye Buddy

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"Ash do we have any clue what the game might be?" I asked walking up to the mansion doors.

"No be we know it involves death." He started. He didn't finish until he looked at the others. "Please stay alive." He pleaded and we all nodded.

Heading into the main room there was no music what so ever and everyone was already staring up at Viktor.

Viktor had an evil smile on his face and when he looked at us his eyes immediately connected with mine.

"She's here everybody." His voice boomed and everyone turned to look at me cheers and applause broke out and I couldn't help but feel nervous.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Asher.

"No clue, stay close." He answered and with that we continued forward and didn't stop until we were right under Viktor.

"Lovely home." I spoke out.

"Yes very nicer than the last one. Don't get blood everywhere." He smiles and almost started laughing.

"What do you need Viktor?" I asked confidently.

"We'll we'll, wouldn't you like to know." He said lowly.

I rolled my eyes and cocked my eyebrow.

"Ms. Knight. As you can see all mafia family's aren't here tonight. The only ones beside yours that showed up all either have heirs or siblings to take over their role." He smiled and my gut turned.

"Our little game tonight everyone." He said speaking so everyone could hear him. "Will be every mafia don but the Americans will be in a life battle one on one with our very own Angel Of Death. " he finished.

My heart stopped and I looked to Asher. He didn't seem very happy. Rose looked worried as hell and the boys looked like they were gonna puke.

"There will either be 7 deaths or 1. Fight well men." He said and with that he disappeared.

The crowd spread as men laid down a huge plastic tarp and each mafia don lined against it.

"This is bullshit." I sighed taking my heels off and grabbing my knives from my legs. I strapped them back on to my upper arm and took one to rip the bottom of my dress off. Thankfully I put another pair of spanks on.

I walked onto the tarp and looked around. "Alright who's first?" I questioned and the German leader came up.

"Bye bye buddy." I smiled as I sent my knife flying straight between his eyes.

He dropped immediately and the other men gulped in sync.

"Let's go boys". I sneered and it began.


"Fuck you dick." I hissed as I held the gunshot graze on the side of my arm.

"At least I have one." He sneered as he threw his fist into my stomach.

He doesn't know hitting barley affects me.

As he pulls away to watch me fall. Or so he thinks. I grab my knife and shove it right through his chest and push him over. When he's on his back I get on top of him in a straddling manner before repeatedly stabbing him in the chest till his body goes limp and he stops squirming.

After I get off him with his blood sprayed freshly all over me covering 3 others blood I look to the last two men.

The Australian and European dons are left. The each look at me then at each other and within the next second their both charging for me. In an instant I start running towards them and when they go to dive for me I drop to my knees and both fall over. I quickly stand on my feet and while one's getting up I kick him as hard as I possibly could in the dick. He drops to the ground crying and wheezing as the other pulls out a knife.

I pull my out as well and we began circling each other. We stopped when I was back in-front of the European still on the ground. I quickly bent over and slit his throat. As he choked in his blood and his blood sprayed all over my hands the other man came charging again.

This time he was able to hit me. He flew his fist into the side of my face effectively knocking me backwards. I fell on my ass and he got on top of me. As he drew his gun I grabbed my extra knife in the waist band of my pants and shoved it right through his. He got up and screamed before falling down. Trying to get the knife out of his ass he didn't seen me walking towards a dead body.

I grabbed the gun off the man I first killed and walked over to the Australian. I cocked the gun as he was ripping the knife out and before I could pull the trigger a sharp pain went through my stomach. I looked down to see he had thrown the knife. I ripped it out and began shooting the gun.






One in the left hand, One in the right hand.

One in the left leg, One in the right leg.

Then one in the dick.

He let out a blood curdling scream and I got on my knees next to him. I stabbed him in his throat 4 times and smiled as blood sprayed on me more. When he finally took his last choked breath I began carving my cross and my k.

Like always each person got it and when I was over Viktor came back into sight.

"Very interesting little girl." He said.

"What? I can kill 7 grown trained killers and still be walking?" I asked.

"Precisely." He added.

I scoffed before turning around.

Asher had a look of pride on his face, Hayden was still covering his, Rose's jaw was on the ground and Ethan was rushing towards me to help.

Ethan picked me up bridal style and we left the mansion.

Once we were in the car they all turned to me. I'm union even Rose they all said "that was hot" I smiled a bit as we began to drive.


"Hey man there's a gas station is there slushees in Russia?" I asked Ethan who was driving.

"We can see." He smiled.

We pulled into the parking lot and I immediately jumped out.

"I'll help her because I gotta go in and pee y'all stay here." Ethan said jumping out too. I skipped into the store earning I feared look from the cashier and went straight towards the slushees as Ethan went Pee.

A few minutes later there were footsteps behind me and I started talking to Ethan.

"Ethan look how many fucking flavors they have dude." I laughed as I filled my cup with each one.

No response while I finished the last flavor.

"You know it's not nice to ig-" I said turning around but was cut off by a syringe digging into my neck and only seconds later I started feeling fuzzy and soon blackness washed over me.

Even unconscious I could feel my body being picked up and before the drug fully took effect I heard Ethan yell through the store.

"Pheebs did you leave me?".


Authors note:
Shorter chapter but I like it. I feel like I did really good but y'all are gonna hate what I have in store for you. Full apology in advance.

Word count: 1237

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