Chapter 28: Kick The Dust Up

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                         ** ASHER'S POV**

When Ethan came out of the gas station without her I immediately started to worry. When he jumped in the car to see Phoebe wasn't in there he started to freak. It was heart wrenching.

When I got the call to meet them in Michigan I very well was about to kill people.

Until I saw her. Not a single new damage was done and she looked a little relieved.

I wasn't expecting to meet her dad though or for her dad to be there she told me he was dead.

When we got him she told us everything and I was in so much shock I couldn't move.

But it's been 3 months since that night and everything has gone amazingly.

Phoebe and I are as close as ever.

Hayden and Rose finally started dating at the beginning of March.

Phoebe and her dad have grown really close and the outlaws moved down here to New Orleans.

We've gone on 3 missions since then and Ethan ended up hospitalized for a good 2 weeks after getting shot in the leg.

Today we're celebrating his recovery by going to a non- saltwatered beach.

"Does this make me look fat?" Phoebe question as she walked out in a bikini.

"Yes" I deadpanned and her jaw dropped.

"Oh sorry we're not talking about your ass are we?" I questioned innocently.

She threw the bathing suit at me.

"Come here." I purposely whined like a baby.

She walked over to me still bare ass naked and I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her onto my lap straddling me.

"Your beautiful." I said kissing in between her breasts.

She laughed.

"Your dumb." She replied.

I grabbed her face and pulled her down to kiss me. She instantly started kissing me back as I pulled her down on top of me when I fell back.

"We got to get going." She mumbled against my lips.

"10 minutes won't kill them we're already without clothes." I mumbled back.


  She pressed her ass down more while on my lap seeing if I was hard or not.

Clearly I am when she let out a slight groan.

"Okay." She said connecting her lips to my neck.

I pulled my shorts down and immediately positioned myself under her. She sat back on it and as I entered her we both let of muffled moans.

She started grinding her hips into mine and I took her left nipple between my teeth. Sucking and nibbling on it earned little noises from her .

After a minute she started bouncing herself on me while rolling her hips and I immediately felt like I was in heaven. I sat up with her still straddling me and I grabbed her ass squeezing it as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

One of my hand began bouncing her faster as the other one came to the front and started rubbing her clit.

"Oh fuck." She mumbled as I moved my fingers fast and she bounced harder.

After a minute my fingers were still going but both our work started getting sloppy and un-patterned.  She gripped onto my shoulders for support as my hands found her ass again.

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