Chapter 31: Talk

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I couldn't give you a real reason why I'm doing this to her. I've always been connected to my emotions but that night we all camped in the living room I realized I loved her.

So I'm doing what one does best.

I'm sabotaging it.

I don't want to. God I just want to hold her close and tell her how much I love her but seeing how heart broken she was and practically rejecting it once I said it hurt.

I deserved it though. I've been nothing but bitchy and rude to her.

When I found her sleeping in Ethan's bed when I went to wake him up I was hurt. The only thing that kept me from ripping his throat out myself was her clothes.

They were still on so it was probably nothing.

She sleeps with Hayden all the time.

And I know Phoebe damn well, she doesn't like wearing clothes to bed after she has sex. She's weird.

I was pulled out of thought.

"Boss you ready?" Rick asked as we lined the side of the building Phoebe ready to kick the door in.

I nodded and she sent the door flying back.

There was no one here except for the people delivering the shipment.

As soon as the last person got inside we heard the roar of the bikes.

In a with span of two minutes Phoebe had 4 guards down. Snuck up behind each one and shoved her knife through the base of there neck and up to the brain.

Within another two minutes all 7 guards were down and each and everyone ended with a cross and a K.

The motorcycles got closer and closer and looking out the window there was at least 5 bikes and two had two people on them.

7 against 11

Rylie the president of the pink skulls got off her bike and motioned for everyone to follow her. They went around and came through a side door not even noticing the one Phoebe destroyed.

Here goes nothing.

I gave my men the signal and with an instant every Pink Skull was at gun point and has been de-armed.


"Is this suppose to scare us?" Rylie asked leaning her head back on my gun.

"No but this will." I said shooting right past her head dropping the member that Hayden held in front of us.

"Like I care. She was useless anyways." She huffed and her eyes scanned over Hayden.

Within seconds another shot rand out and Rylie was falling to the ground.

"Eyes belong up here bitch." Rose seethed as Rylie held her stomach .

"Jesus you crazy bitch." Rylie hissed trying to stand up.

"Fuck it everybody drop em." Ashers voice boomed and within seconds all the pink skulls laid dead on the ground.

"Phoebe again with the unhinged actions." Asher sighed.

"That wasn't me fuck face keep your opinions to yourself till they're right." I said.

Asher stayed behind gathering and cleaning up while I went home with the other 3.


"Team game of pool anyone?" Hayden asked us while we sat around the kitchen table.

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