Chapter 27: She Said You Were Dead

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I woke up to the sound of water dripping and creaking noises. It smelt of rust and dirt. As I opened my eyes there was clear view I was in a basement. I sharp pain shot through my neck and I went to rub it but was stopped. I looked down to see chain holding my arms onto the chair and the same to my legs.

Where the fuck am I?

Looking around there really wasn't much. It looked like a homemade prison cell. There was a toilet and a sink then a very rough looking bed and of course the chair I'm sitting on.

Where are the guys?

Thankfully my clothes were still on my body and it looks no one's touched me more than need be. Someone wrapped gauze and a bandage over my dress to stop the bleeding of the knife wound I obtained at the ball. I can tell there's no stitches in it so nobody did take my dress off.

My feet look dirty and cut so they must've drug me while I walked down here. I should've kept my heels on.

My observations stopped at the big metal door on the opposite side of the room and as my eyes ran over it, it opened.

A man who was clearly American walked in with a small smirk on his face.

"I'm guessing your pissed." He stated

"I mean I have been kidnapped so that could be a word to use." I sarcastically said.

"Funny, I like you." He smiled as he pulled a chair up in front of me .

"Am I here for a good reason or is it a weird vendetta?" I asked and he let out a low chuckle.

"A little bit of both." He managed to say.

"Enlighten me please" I sighed.

"We are the Outlaws." He smiled.

"The top biker gang in America." I stated. I know them.

"At least you know." He smiles

"We have a few reasons for you being here." He said.

"Tell me." I deadpanned.

" Well you see, our old leader wanted to up throw Ashers mafia and take over. He was a spiteful old man but he never got the chance. He died two weeks ago so someone else stepped in. We don't want to up throw you anymore." He stated as he stood up and began taking off my chains.

"What do you want?" I asked rubbing my wrists once they were free.

"Your alliance."

"You really think we would become Allie's with you after you kidnapped me? I'm the most feared person in America darling I surpassed Asher even though he's the king and do you really think he'd forgive you for this?" I asked in a humorless laugh.

"You may be the most feared but I'm not afraid of you." He stated.

"I was drugged heavily and locked up with chains." I deadpanned again.

" I never said my men weren't scared of you." He pointed.

"How old are you?" I asked

"24 what does that have anything to do with this?" He said curiously.

"Aren't you a little to young to die?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"Funny, you won't kill me." He muttered.

"Wanna bet?" I asked.

"No" he said.


"That's the first reason though." He said again.

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