Chapter 22: About Fucking Time

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Its been 2 and 1/2 months. When I seen him again my whole world stopped. While I was out of town killing the last member of the Canadian blood line to their mafia these stupid ass nurses changed his room and wouldn't let me see him. Some snobby young new doctor didn't know they already let me see him and she was getting on my nerves.

These past few months have been utter hell and all I wanted to do was hold him. However I couldn't be that weak girl I was when Hayden got shot.

While Asher was down Hayden stepped up. We did a lot more missions. More balls. And more deaths. Along with the people I was assigned to kill I killed off a whole blood line.

It's making Ethan a little worried because I was just the American mafia bosses girlfriend but now I'm known everywhere as 'The Angel Of Death' .

Hayden found it quite ironic giving a conversation we use to have.

But I'm not known for my name or my face really. I'm known for that silly little mark I can't leave a victim without.

As the killings grew so did I. It's weird really people either worship me or fear me.

And I love it.

I've also gotten way closer with the guys and yeah even Ethan.

Unless I was out killing a Canadian I barley ever left their side. I started sleeping with Hayden again just because I didn't like the feeling of being a line at night. Now that's over.

As I stare into my favorite piercing green eyes I'm finally happy.

"What happened while I was down." He mumbled into my hair.

We're now cuddling in his hospital bed.

The doctors were shocked at how well he is and his sudden change in state. The only thing he may have trouble with is eating and that's it.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough darling." I mumbled back kissing his forehead.

We talked about little things and soon enough we were falling asleep in each others arms.


"Just get me his fucking discharge papers you incompetent piece of shit." I yelled pounding my fist down hard on her desk.

She look at my hand in shock and then it morphed into fear. I was confused until I looked down.

I forgot I got another tattoo.

Right below my thumb lays that famous fucking cross and K combo.

I sighed as she scurried away.

After a few minutes she came back and handed me the papers. I filled them out for Asher and he thanked me 'not wanting to work his brain yet' before we left.


"About fucking time." Ethan said while grabbing Asher into a tight hug.

"Hey Ethan." He chuckled and everyone paused when we heard footsteps pounding down stairs.

"Hayden be fucking careful with him." I yelled as Hayden came crashing into the room to get Asher into a hug.

"I miss you man never leave me alone with all this and that psycho bitch again." He chuckled pointing at me.

In return Asher punched him.

God this man.

"Don't call her psycho." Asher sneered and Hayden and Ethan both quirked their eyebrows to me and I his a guilty smile.

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